Automatically starts and restarts VMWare Virtual Machines 💫
with crontab on linux (or with task manager on windows), for example to check every minute if all VMs are running to restart them if necessary :
sudo crontab -e
# In editor
* * * * * su peterpan -c "/PATH_TO_SCRIPT/AutoVMWARE/" # You can also run directly the instead of using a .sh
If you use VMware Player or Fusion instead of VMware Workstation, you need to edit all command line in the script containing the ws
argument. Possibles arguments are :
for Workstation Profusion
for VMware Fusion (MacOS)player
fir VMware Player
example for VMware Player :'vmrun -T ws stop "{vm_path}"', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
->'vmrun -T player stop "{vm_path}"', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
Basically the script is programmed to launch all the VMs (.vmx) contained in the folder and subfolders of /home
variable can be modified to match the path pattern of the VMs you want to monitor with the script.
The script is designed to be run in a Linux environment, but it is easily transportable to a Windows environment with some modifications.