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Releases: Qiskit/qiskit_sphinx_theme

Qiskit Sphinx Theme 1.14.0rc1

18 Jul 17:41
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This release adds the qiskit-ecosystem theme. It's meant to distinguish between Qiskit Terra vs the Ecosystem. The main changes are:

  1. Gets rid of the top Qiskit nav bar.
  2. Adds the project name and Qiskit Ecosystem logo to the left sidebar. (You can disable the logo or replace it with your own)
  3. IBM-specific projects like IBM Runtime can use a blue color scheme.

See for instructions.

Full Changelog: 1.13.0rc1...1.14.0rc1

Qiskit Sphinx Theme 1.13.1

17 Jul 16:14
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  • Fix Pytorch theme not activating jQuery (Cherry-pick of #497) #503
  • Fix Furo's styling of inline page table of contents (Cherry-pick of #498) #499

Full Changelog: 1.13.0...1.13.1

Qiskit Sphinx Theme 1.13.0

11 Jul 19:20
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See the release notes from for what has changed in this release, including the new qiskit theme.

Since the 1.13.0rc2 release, this has the following changes:

  • Allow hiding Qiskit top nav bar in Furo (Cherry-pick of #468) #472
  • Fix Furo styling for API pages with methods on class page (Cherry-pick of #458) #478
  • Add copyright headers along with Furo license (Cherry-pick of #464) #467

Qiskit Sphinx Theme 1.13.0rc2

05 Jul 15:44
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New features

  • Add back Furo's highlighting of page ToC (Cherry-pick of #455) #457

Bug fixes

  • Fix disabling Furo dark mode on Safari (Cherry-pick of #446) #452
  • Fix Furo wrapping of paragraphs and links (Cherry-pick of #448) #453
  • Fix Furo page layout on medium-sized screens (Cherry-pick of #450) #454
  • Fix Furo's responsiveness for qiskit-card and qiskit-call-to-action-item (Cherry-pick of #447)#461

Full Changelog: 1.13.0rc1...1.13.0rc2

Qiskit Sphinx Theme 1.13.0rc1

30 Jun 17:32
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The 1.13 release brings the new qiskit theme, built on top of Furo. The design aligns us with Carbon design requirements, has a more useful left side bar, and we went from 12,500 lines of CSS to 700 lines.

See for migration instructions to the new theme. qiskit-sphinx-theme 2.0 will remove support for the old Pytorch theme, which we plan to release in July or August 2023.

We also made substantial infrastructure improvements, including adding visual regression testing. This will allow us to better maintain the quality of the theme and add future improvements.

API Changes

  • Add Furo to install_requires and bump Sphinx requirement to 6.0+ #339
  • Add qiskit-call-to-action-grid directive #431
  • Replace qiskit-card-item directive with simpler qiskit-card directive #415
  • Remove deprecated get_html_theme_path #352

New features

  • Add qiskit theme based on Furo #425
  • Update Qiskit top nav bar with new order and ecosystem links (#389) (#375)
  • Fix 404 errors for Thebe files #354

Bug fixes

  • Update Qiskit logo #409
  • Improve accessibility of qiskit-card being clickable #432

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.12.0...1.13.0rc1

Qiskit Sphinx Theme 1.12.1

16 Jun 14:14
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This release updates the Qiskit top nav bar with several tweaks: #390

Qiskit Sphinx Theme 1.12.0

22 May 19:29
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The 1.12 release is focused on stability. In addition to the improvements listed in, we improved our internal infrastructure to facilitate future improvements.

This release only has one bug fix compared to 1.12.0rc1:

  • Fix regression of code links being blue (Cherry-pick of #336) (#337)

Qiskit Sphinx Theme 1.12.0rc1

17 May 14:39
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The 1.12 release is focused on stability. In addition to the below improvements and fixes, we improved our internal infrastructure to facilitate future improvements.

API changes

  • Deprecate get_html_theme_path() (#211)
  • Users should set docs_url_prefix for Translations and Previous Releases (#321)

New features

  • Add version information to breadcrumbs (#266)
  • Bundle web component rather than using a CDN (#274)
  • Allow enabling translations by setting translations_list in config (#302)
  • Include _static/images/logo.png so projects can use it instead of copying no_image.png (#318)
  • Add qiskit-card-item and qiskit-call-to-action-item directives (#326)

Bug fixes


  • Add missing chevron on previous-next buttons (#237)
  • Fix margin bug at bottom of lists (#218)
  • Update inline code styling (#263)
  • Capitalize attribute properties instead of uppercase (#320)
  • Fixed CSS for typing.overload functions (#319)
  • Fixed text wrap for long function names (#297)


  • Fix previous releases sidebar feature for ecosystem projects (#267)
  • Remove references to some missing files and fix some invalid JavaScript (#292)
  • Fix Previous Releases section not being clickable (#308)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.11.0rc1...1.12.0rc1

Qiskit Sphinx Theme 1.11.1

21 Apr 17:23
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  • Include sphinxcontrib.jquery in the project dependencies & fix other JavaScript issues (Cherry-pick of #277) (#278)

Qiskit Sphinx Theme 1.11.0

17 Apr 20:05
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No changes since 1.11.0rc3.

Changes compared to 1.10.x:

New features / API changes:

  • New sidebar structure (#138)
  • Add back next and previous buttons to footer (#181)
  • Tidied up breadcrumbs file (#185)


  • Fixed right sidebar bug and make sticky (Cherry-pick of #251) (#253)
  • Load IBM fonts via Google Fonts (Cherry-pick of #241) (#252)
  • Fix margin bug at bottom of lists (Cherry-pick of #218) (#242)
  • Add missing chevron on previous-next buttons (Cherry-pick of #237) (#238)
  • Restore original paragraph spacing (#206)
  • Fix HTML meta-tag output (#197)
  • Display full texts on right summary menu (#196)
  • Fixed breadcrumb padding issue (#198)
  • Fix automatic scrolling bug (#178)