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Releases: RaythaHQ/raytha


13 Apr 17:31
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Hi everyone,

We are proud to announce the release of v1.2.0, which includes the big new feature: Raytha Functions.

Raytha Functions are a way to write custom code in the administrator portal of Raytha to add functionality to your application. Use cases for this include but are not limited to:

  • Create your own custom api endpoints
  • Accept form submissions and save response
  • Send an email out of the platform
  • Make an external HTTP call and return and/or save result
  • [Coming Soon] Webhooks trigger functionality
  • [Coming Soon] Timer trigger functionality

Breaking Changes

This release includes an update to the database. If you are on Raytha v1.1.x, then you can run this SQL script to upgrade.

What's Changed

  • [Feature] Raytha Functions. #177
  • [Bug fix] TinyMCE throwing errors #184
  • [Bug fix] Default theme image error when using custom pathbase #185
  • [Maintenance] Upgraded mediatr to 12.x #163
  • [Maintenance] Upgraded all nodejs and .net dependencies #186

New Contributors


27 Dec 22:33
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Hi everyone,

This release contains the following enhancements:

  • Updates the default public theme to vanilla Bootstrap 5.3 #174
  • Upgrades TinyMCE dependency to resolve Dependabot issues #175
  • Fixes issue with TinyMCE's source mode not working #176

Thank you


18 Dec 22:18
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Hello everyone, v1.1.4 is now released!

This is a big release for Raytha because we are officially announcing the release of the Raytha Cloud Platform. Anybody can spin up an instance of Raytha in minutes to trial Raytha free for 14 days. This way people do not have to be developers or jump through hoops to test out the platform on their local machine. You can pay to keep your websites hosted indefinitely.

Get started by creating an account at

Big thanks to all the new contributors for this release.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.1.3...v1.1.4


15 Oct 17:36
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Hello everyone, v1.1.3 is now released!

What's Changed

  • [code cleanup] Swapped CsvReader for an MIT licensed library by @smd-11 #145
  • [enhancement] Import submissions now supports file upload field by @smd-11 #144
  • [enhancement] Items that failed to import via validation errors or otherwise are logged and automatically downloaded into an excel doc at the conclusion of a data import by @smd-11 #144
  • [enhancement] You can now redirect all visitors to another website by setting REDIRECT_WEBSITE env variable by setting a url on that variable. This can be useful if you are doing maintenance or need to temporarily disable a website (such as for late payment). #146

Full Changelog: v1.1.2...v1.1.3


26 Aug 23:03
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Hello everyone, v1.1.2 is now released!

What's Changed

  • [devops] - Github action to automatically build and run tests #137
  • [new feature] - Import content items from CSV #141

You can see the How-To article on importing content items from CSV here:

Big thanks to @smd-11 for their contributions and support for open source! 🥳

Thank you!


07 Jul 21:14
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Hello everyone, v1.1.1 is now released with a number of great bug fixes.

What's Changed

  • [security] Bump System.Linq.Dynamic.Core from 1.2.24 to 1.3.0 in /src/Raytha.Application by @dependabot in #132
  • [bug fix] Templates: Convenient uploader for local storage returns undefined #95
  • [bug fix] Save draft should ignore required fields #130
  • [bug fix] Default template should make use of returnUrl parameter upon login #128
  • [bug fix] Number field type should allow decimals #129
  • [bug fix] More accurate database size stats on dashboard #131

Full Changelog:

Thank you!


28 May 16:16
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v1.1.0 is a big release!

This is a major version upgrade which means you must run a database migration script. For those who are upgrading from any version between 1.0.0 and 1.0.6, you should run this database script: or via ef core command line:

dotnet ef database update --project .\src\Raytha.Infrastructure\ --startup-project .\src\Raytha.Web --configuration "Debug without JS"

What is in this version?

  • Support for a background task infrastructure. This will allow quite a bit of future functionality that is dependent on long running tasks.
  • Export content items to CSV - the first feature to make use of the new background task infrastructure.

Thank you!


15 Apr 18:48
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Hello everyone, v1.0.6 is now released with the key highlights being:

New features:

  • Added convenience file upload drop zone to Templates to allow users to upload assets right then and there #119
  • Added db consumption metrics to the dashboard #75

Breaking changes:

  • raytha_attachment_url liquid filter is removed after being deprecated in v1.0.5 because it has been renamed to attachment_redirect_url #118

Thank you!


08 Apr 19:38
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Hello everyone, v1.0.5 is now released with the key highlights being:

New features:

  • New liquid function to retrieve details for a ContentType (#113)
  • New liquid filter attachment_public_url to render the direct url to the file storage provider of a file attachment field (#87).

Breaking changes:

  • raytha_attachment_url liquid filter is deprecated and will be removed in v1.0.6 because it has been renamed to attachment_redirect_url

Thank you!


01 Apr 21:10
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Hello everyone, v1.0.4 is now released with the key highlights being:

  • New liquid functions that let you call the database to get content items! (#97)
  • Fixed crash on Dockerfile build (#101)
  • Integrated DocFx for full blown documentation at (#40)

Thank you!