How Many Days have been since I did... ~ How many days have passed since I did...
A la recerca de possibles necessitats, i les seves solucions respectives, m'he dit...
Quan fa que no rego les plantes? Quants dies fa que no visito l'àvia? Quants dies fa que no llegeixo? Quants mesos fa que no faig una escapada?
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
grunt server
grunt dist
grunt server:dist
- ember.js - A framework for creating ambitious web applications.
- handlebars - Semantic Templates compatible with Mustache.
- jQuery - Cross-browser compatibility for DOM manipulation, ajax...
- stefanpenner/ember-app-kit - Starting point for "ambitious web applications".
- emberjs/ember-data - A data persistence library for Ember.js.
- rpflorence/ember-localstorage-adapter - Name says it all.
- jamesarosen/ember-i18n - Internationalization for Ember.
- ember-addons/bootstrap-for-ember - Bootstrap for Ember.js.
- dockyard/ember-validations - Validations for Ember Objects.
- dockyard/ember-easyForm - Easily build semantic forms in Ember.
- mozilla-comm/ical.js - Javascript parser for ics files (rfc5545).
- Moment.js - Library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.
- Twitter Bootstrap - Front-end framework.
- GLYPHICONS Halflings - Monochromatic icons and symbols part of Bootstrap from Twitter.
- FortAwesome/Font-Awesome - The iconic font and CSS framework
- andrewreedy/ember-dc - Multi-Dimensional charting built to work natively with crossfilter rendered with d3.js & dc.js,, api.
- dc.js - Dimensional charting built to work natively with crossfilter rendered using d3.js
- Crossfilter - Fast Multidimensional Filtering for Coordinated Views, , api, tutorial.
- d3js - Library for manipulating documents based on data.
- mozilla-comm/ical.js - Javascript parser for ics files (rfc5545).
- @craigbuckler/calendar-icon - A Scalable Calendar Icon in HTML5 and CSS3, demo.
- Thibaut Courouble/Month Picker & Notepad - From CSSFlow, demo month-picker, demo notepad.
- Tympanus/Moleskine Notebook with jQuery Booklet - demo, insipred in My Moleskine, use jQuery Booklet Plugin
- Backbone - MVC for browser
- Underscore - JS Utils
- vinkaga/node-backbone - Backbone starter kit
- ccoenraets/backbone-jax-cellar - Backbone starter kit
- jo/backbone-pouch - Backbone PouchDB Adapter (original idea)
- diaspora - Distributed and contextual social networking
- vmx/couchappspora - diaspora... as a couchapp
- express - Web application framework for node
- locomotive - Powerful MVC web framework for Node.js
- persvr/perstore - Object store interface for mapping persistent objects to various different storage mediums
- jQuery Mobile - ListViews(jsfiddle) & Panels
- RequireJS - JavaScript modular script loader
- Require-css - CSS loader plugin for RequireJS
- RequireJS-plugins - Small set of plugins for RequireJS
- fernandogmar/Emberjs-RequireJS - Starter kit for EmberJS using RequireJS
- dgeb/grunt-ember-templates - Precompile Handlebars templates for Ember.js
- emberjs-addons/ember-bootstrap - A set of UI elements styled using the Boostrap toolkit to use with Ember.js
- Raphaël - Library that should simplify your work with vector graphics on the web
- CrowdStrike/ember-timetree - Visualize hierarchical timeline data. Built with Ember.js and D3.js
- StoicLoofah/chronoline.js - Library for making a chronology timeline out of events on a horizontal timescale
- ember-addons/ember-forms - Smart, Intuitive forms for Ember.js styled with Bootstrap & Validation ready.
- d3js & Emberjs, examples & tutorials:
- vpham21/snack - Snack Dashboard Demo
- addepar/ember-charts - A beautiful and easily extensible chart suite built with D3.js and Ember.js
- samselikoff/talks - Ember and D3: Building a simple dashboard.
- - An Ember JS Gauge Component
- kurakin/node-vcal - Create and parse ics files
The project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3, explanation.
- In the initilization the calendars are unhydrated, why ember-data don't populate the relationships? Bug: Sideloading relations (hasMany) on models not working! hasMany tests store api
- Add new vcomponents doesn't trigger UI updates.
- Instead of using mixings for vcomponents, use polymorphism.
- Calendar
- Filters click
- Puntuation logic 1. WindRose (Radar Chart demo1 demo2 demo3 demo4) 2. History (Line + Bar Chart)
- Without id, return all calendars in one.
- Diary 1. wysiwyg 2. Attach photos & files.
- Confirmer 1. Draggable only horitzontal, better ux for desktop. 2. 100% height
- Challenger, suggest new ToDos answering questions.
- CRUD vcomponent
- Recurrence + Alarms
- Attach photos & files
- Tags
- CalDav Sync
- Migrate ember-app-kit to ember-cli, npm install -g ember-cli && ember init, in branch master-broccoli.
Data modeling
- orbitjs/orbit.js - Standalone library for coordinating access to data sources and keeping their contents synchronized.
- orbitjs/ember-orbit - Ember.js data layer built with Orbit.js
- dgeb/ember-orbit-example - Example App that uses Orbit.js and Ember.js
- dgeb/orbit-ember-data-adapter.js - A very simple example Orbit adapter implementation for Ember Data
- limeapps/ember-share - Ember persistence and collaboration. Real-time demo.
- CalDav Parsers
- gaye/dav - caldav and carddav client for nodejs and the browser.
- mozilla-b2g/caldav - Calendar Protocols.
- sandro-pasquali/jquery.dav - JQuery plugin providing WebDAV access methods
- CalDav Parsers Discarted: jqCalDAV, CalDavZAP, agenDAV, webical, arshaw/fullcalendar
- Google APIs - For realtime sync if no CalDav lib if found
- Google APIs Client Library for JavaScript - JavaScript client-application Example
- Google Calendar API
- Google Tasks API
- Google Drive SDK
- Google Picker - Google Picker is a "File Open" dialog for the information stored in Google servers
Front-end helpers & libs
- billysbilling/ember-animated-outlet - Animated transitions.
- emberjs/list-view - An efficient incremental rendering list view for large lists.
- ∞.js - Speeds up scrolling through long lists and keeps your infinite feeds smooth and stable for your users
- iScroll - Smooth scrolling for the web
- fuelUX - Additional lightweight JavaScript controls
- Messenger - Alerts for the 21st century
- todc/todc-bootstrap - Google-styled theme for Twitter Bootstrap
- Bootstrap Arrows - Include arrows at any angle
- pfefferle/openwebicons - Set of icons to show the support for the Open Web
- easelinc/tourist - Simple, flexible tours for your app
- This app requires a lot of information of the user, in a perfect world, all this data must be private & personal. It's necessary to build a backend with webfinger for create independent nodes ("pods") like diaspora.