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bjoehanna edited this page Oct 16, 2023 · 14 revisions


1) Introduction

Welcome to the guide to Brightis!

Game Page

Missable Achievements: There are only 4 missable achievements.

Number of Playthroughs needed: 1 (There is a New Game+, but I am note sure there is anything new there)

2) Walkthrough

Hexsalkia Castle (Tutorial)

Elthard Village エルサードの町

Dungeon 1: Grassland Ruins 草原の遺跡

In the room with the invisible monsters attack the dark element (?) and insert a Key Element to the pedestal to make the monsters visible.

闇の光は魔物を強くする。闇の光を打ち砕く、キーエレメントの光で魔物を照らせ! The glow of darkness strenghtens monsters. Shatter the glow of darkness and illuminate the monsters with the light of the key elements.

In the room with the 4 colored Key Element buttons you need to insert them in the correct order to enter the boos room.

日は海よりいずりし、紫の雲路は森へと帰る。 The sun leaves the sea, and the purple clouds return to the forest (Red -> Blue -> Purple -> Green)

Boss fight: Hell Hound

Acquire first Global Element (First Magic Slot)

Dungeon 2: Waterfall Cave 滝の洞窟

Boss Fight: Venom

Dungeon 3: Stone Ruins 石の遺跡

Boss Fight: Razor Back

Optional Dungeon: Tomb of the Wealthy Family 豪族の墓 After coming back from the stone ruins a stairway will open that lead from the area around the Grassland Ruins to the tomb. You can acquire the Book of Confusion here, which the Witch in Elthard Village will need to unlock level 2 spells. After Dungeon 5 an old woman will appear next to the save point in the middle of the village. She we will tell you about deeper secrets being hidden in the tombs by illusion magic. You can now return here and get a second book: The book of enlightenment. You can then unlock level 3 spells.

Dungeon 4: Sky Ruins 空の遺跡

Boss Fight: Rasalhague

Acquire the second Global Element (Second Magic Slot)

Dungeon 5: Lake Ruins 湖の遺跡

Boss Fight: Bane Altar

Dungeon 6: Bay Cavern 入江の洞窟

Boss Fight: Zosma

Acquire Third Global Element (Third Magic Slot)

Dungeon 7: Snowy Mountain Ruins 雪山の城

Boss Fight: Demon

Acquire Fourth Global Element (Fourth Magic Slot)

Optional Dungeon: Chaos Ruins

You can access it from Elthard Village behind the waterfall. As far as I know the final reward is on floor 100 (it drops a second time on floor 200).

Dungeon 8: Hexsalkia Castle

Boss 1: Arctarus Final Boss: Zeraward

3) Characters

  • Vardo: The Wizard who guides you in the tutorial (See: Ward Ring)
  • Caplas: Captain, Rival (See: Square Ring)
  • Capella: Huntress, who finds you and brings you to Elthard Village
  • Alhena: Combo Teacher
  • Regulus: One armed Special Move Teacher
  • Pollux: Special Move Teacher
  • Hamal: Merchant (See: Night Vigil)
  • Lesart: The Lighthouse Keeper (See: Scepter Ring)
  • Akell: Mother of Rufela and widow of Vardo's. She recognizes Vardo's Ward Ring and asks you to give it back to her.
  • Rufela: A little boy who joins the village after the ship lands in the harbor. He is impressed by you being a warrior and wants you to teach him swordfighting. Later in the game he decides to go adventuring on his own, so you need to bring him back to his mother.
  • Zenia: Old lady who joins the village after the ship can come into harbor. She tells you about the tomb of the wealthy family.

4) Rings

Rings that you will be given by NPCs:

The Lighthouse [m] (5)
Obtain the Scepter Ring from Resart
The Scepter Ring reveals the map if equipped. To get it you need to talk to two characters between the start of the game and after Dungeon 4.
  1. Speak to Resart the Lighthouse Keeper & Regulus (The One-armed Sword Teacher) before finishing the first dungeon
  2. Speak to Regulus after Grassland Ruins (Dungeon 1)
  3. Return to Elthard Village after Stone Ruins (Dungeon 3) and talk to Resart & Regulus during the Darkness
  4. Speak to Resart after the Sky Ruins (Dungeon 4) when the Darkness is gone to get the reward

(Talk multiple times until Dialogue is exhausted)

You Should Have It [m] (5)
Obtain the Square Ring from Regulus

You will meet Caplas directly after Stone Ruins (Dungeon 3). He will give you the Square Ring and ask you to go look after the village. When you get there you will see Regulus fighting off some Orcs. You will offer him Caplas' ring but he will tell you to keep it. If you don't go back to the village but follow the way to Sky Ruins (Dungeon 4) and meet Caplas again, he will take the ring back saying you won't need it then.

Rings that you can buy from Hamal:

  • Ring of Wisdom 知恵のリング (increases magic power)
  • Cat Eye Ring 猫目石のリング (increases light radius)
  • Quartz Ring 石英のリング ( immune to paralysis )
  • Magic Ring マジックリング (MP regenerates faster)
  • Resist Ring 1 レジストリング1 (Magic Resistance increases)
  • Blood Cleansing Ring 血清のリング (Increase resistance against status effects)

Rings that you find in chests:

  • Magnet Ring マグネットリング (slowly heals HP) (Found randomly in the Tomb of the Wealthy Family)
  • Straw Ring わらしべの輪 (increase skill point gain) (magic chest dungeon 5)
  • Iron Ring 鉄のリング (increases defense) (Chest in Grassland Ruins)
  • Chalk Ring 白亜のリング (immune to poison) (buy from Hamal or find in dungeon 6 chest)
  • Fire Ring 火のリング (fire resistance) (chest dungeon 3)
  • Thunder Ring 雷のリング (lightning resistance) (magic chest on your way out of dungeon 4)
  • Water Ring 水のリング (water resistance)
  • Resist Ring 2 レジストリング2 (Magic resistance greater increase) (dungeon 6)
  • Resist Ring 3 レジストリング3 (Magic resistance greatest increase) (Randomly found in the Tomb of the Wealthy Family)
  • Covenant Ring 契約のリング (str +3, def-2) (magic chest dungeon 7)
  • Ring of Clairvoyance 透視のリング (Let's you see hidden things (so you don't have to press SELECT anymore))
  • Vardo's Ring ワードリング (increases all stats a bit) (found in Hexsalkia Castle when you enter it the second time)
  • Ring of Proof 証のリング (big stats increase) (Found in Chaos Ruins every 100 floors)


  • Ring of the Overlord 覇王のリング (haven’t found yet)
  • Guard Ring ガードリング (haven't found yet)

4) Skill Coins

The more Skill Coins you collect, the higher your Skill Point gain is when attacking enemies.

There is a total of 50 Skill Coins to find outside of dungeons.

Coin Collection: Legend (25)
Collect 50 Skill Coins









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