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Beta Release 8

Robosturm edited this page Dec 2, 2019 · 23 revisions

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  • added better CO-Description to show which effect is always active and which is only active inside the CO-Zone.
  • made multiturn pre planer amount of turns changeable
  • made CO-Unit function remove units from buildlist.
  • made CO and Unit-Bannlist storeable
  • made meteors placeable on sea like in advance wars dc
  • added Auto Capturing. Infantry Units that capture a building and didn't recieve a command this turn, will automatically continuing capturing the building.
  • added option to only show battleanimations and skip all other animations
  • added a victory rule allowing you to win if a certain amount of co units was lost by a player. Default this rule is set to infinite
  • made what the normal ai builds changeable for a map
  • added background image support for dialogs
  • added map editor option to preload units to transporters
  • improved path finding for ai against black hole buildings and aurora cannon
  • added option to prioritize where the ai moves units during moves that are more than the current turn ahead
  • reworked random weather generation. Random weather is always created at the start of a day and last for the day so all players have the same weather. Making it more balanced/fair than the Advanve Wars Version. If a CO like Olaf changes the weather during the day "God damn Olaf why?". After the end of the effect e.g 2 days later the weather returns to the weather at the start of the day Olaf changed it. Giving each player in most cases the same amount of turns with the same modifications...
  • added weather forcast you can turn this feature of during the rule settings if turned on the game shows the weather for the next days on the right info bar.
  • highly increased ai speed by reducing the complexity, js-calls in the a-star search algorithm
  • added the Darc Matter Leader Yukio to the game
  • reworked oxygine resulting in a removed SDL and third party 32 bit dependencies. CoW can now be build as a 64-Bit Exe and is easier to be maintained in the future
  • added Oil Rigs to the game. They give you 3 times the funds of a town like mines and can only be placed on sea tiles.
  • give black boats the option to capture buildings so they can capture Oil Rigs
  • improved the option to edit when the ai uses co powers take a look at the general/co.js scripts and co's like eagle. If you wanna improve when the ai uses a co power of your custom co's or the default for the co's.

UI Improvements

  • added cool borders to the weather and co faces on the right info bar.
  • added new cool beach tiles
  • added dived submarine battle sprites. Thx Fairy for your work here
  • reworked co-selection it's now a lot cooler than alphabetical order...
  • reworked ingame menu positioning and layout for multiple rows and made row count editable

Bug Fixes

  • fixed sound system replaying the same sound at the same time creating weird sound effects.
  • fixed ingame game info about units lost
  • fixed minor visual ui bugs
  • fixed a bug which prevents the AI from using COP or SCOP for the second CO.
  • fixed a bug crashing the game when loading a game with a unit that has a multi-turn action active
  • fixed unloading algo for infantry units for normal ai
  • fixed a visual bug for co and unit bannlist
  • fixed and improved how and what the normal ai builds. Several fixes for the scoring function
  • fixed co power usage when a second co is active and fixed a deadlock for the ai using super co powers.
  • fixed a bug allowing only Multiplayer-Games to be played without mods. Now you can play with your Mods or the Commander Wars ones against anyone with the same mods.
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