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Commander Wars CO System

Robosturm edited this page Aug 5, 2019 · 3 revisions

Commander Wars uses a hybrid system of Advance Wars 2\DS and Darc Conflict. You can select two CO's for a battle and both CO effects will be applied to your units.


  • Most CO's have some global buffs and debuffs to your units which are always applied. Like Max firerange reduction.
  • Most firepower or defense boost are way stronger inside the CO-Zone than outside
  • The effects of both your CO's are applied to the whole map and you can build two CO-Units one for each of your CO's.
  • The Powerbar gain is a lot higher if the battle happens inside the CO-Zone. Outside the CO-Zone the gain is very low.
  • The powerbar gain is based on the money damage you do so dealing 5Hp damage to a megatank gets you more power than dealing 5Hp to an infantry. Both the attacker and defender gain power however the defender gains more power than the attacker.
  • You have a tag power like in Advance Wars DS however it doesn't reenable your units so you only get one turn.
  • The CO-Zone extends when you can use your CO-Power and further extends when you can use your Superpower.
  • The Stars needed to use your Power and Superpower varies between each CO.
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