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Beta Release 9

Robosturm edited this page Jan 12, 2020 · 19 revisions

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  • added custom terrain style option select a custom terrain image or one of the defaults e.g. to make roads like in precreated Advance Wars Maps.
  • added keys for zooming in and out of the map. Check out the option menu
  • hovercrafts can now only move to sea or from sea using beach or harbour tiles. Sidenote: you can mod in different movement costs moving from a tile and moving away from it. So something like moving up stairs could be more expensive then moving them down...
  • added exporting of aw ds maps.
  • added a tooltip system and tooltips to various objects
  • added crash report support so instead of dying silently Commander Wars creates a crash log and a crash message. Allowing me to easier locate bugs and fix them. Note: The report is completly offline. So in case you wanna report the bug you need to create an issue on github. It just adds a little bit more information to the report. And gives you feedback on why the game crashed.
  • added victory rule elimination kill the given amount of units before your enemy does. The first player killing the given amount of units wins.
  • added a damage log to the game showing you what attacks happened during the game. Click on an empty field and select attack log for a cool info screen.
  • added ingame script editor conditions for when a specfic unit reaches an area or when a player reaches an area.
  • added mod options to buff a unit for n-days. Take a look at addOffensiveBonus, addDefensiveBonus etc.
  • rearranged script editor ui to be more suitable for smaller screens.

Bug Fixes

  • fixed mech movement over desert and snow mountains
  • fixed vision range during unit movement mainly when an infantry moves down from a mountain.
  • fixed repeating weather start sounds
  • hopefully fixed damage charts for awdc and ds mods....
  • fixed capturing oil rigs
  • fixed several visual bugs
  • fixed sami boost for black boats
  • fixed movement of ooziums for the ai
  • improved canceling actions for humans
  • fixed commas in script dialogs
  • fixed showing of co zones after unloading a co unit
  • fixed damage numbers for overworld battles
  • fixed unloading and loading of units for sea transporter on bridges -> it's no longer possible
  • fixed a bug allowing to deploy multiple CO Units of the same CO when using transporters
  • fixed some rare bug in the path finding system leading to wrong shown movement ranges
  • fixed unloading of units beeing always in the order of getting loaded....
  • fixed a visual bug with visibility of ration icons during fog of war
  • fixed crash when using teleport tiles on maps
  • fixed IK-486-B7 getting is indirect attack boost while moving direct units.
  • fixed ai endlessly firing with Smitan
  • fixed Alexis Superpower added more info text to her power descriptions as well
  • fixed AI unable to use transporters
  • fixed buildings getting auto captured by allies after capturing an hq
  • fixed Smitans offensive bonus not getting applied and fixed a memory leak in his code.
  • fixed correct loading of vision when a unit has moved this turn.
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