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I want to support Commander Wars. What can i do?

Robosturm edited this page May 15, 2019 · 3 revisions

If you want to support Commander Wars simply Contact me at and we see what we can do. ;) This holds true as long as the team is small. Currently it's a one man show. 🥇

Support is needed for

  • Graphics (currently everything is ripped together) ;)
  • Testing -> This means have fun playing Commander Wars and report crashes and things that work not as intended.
  • Sounds and Music -> currrently there's not a lot of different music in the game. Though the engine would support it.
  • Translation -> The game supports translations for nearly everything by using Qt's Translation engine.
  • Update the wiki page or create a homepage for Commander Wars.
  • Sending me cool maps that i can add to the release
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