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Ingame Script Editor

Robosturm edited this page Jun 22, 2019 · 2 revisions

What is this?

The ingame script editor allows everyone to easily create basic ingame-scripts without a lot of programming skills. You can further modify the scripts that are created. Just don't insert code inside the created code. If you do so you can't import the script inside the game again without loosing some data.


Conditions can be added to the script. When a condition evaluates to true for example Day 1 of Player 1 is true the moment the game starts, all Events added to the condition will be executed. More conditions can be requested via the Issue Tracker

  • Start of Turn will be executed at the start of the given player
  • Each Day will be executed at the first given day of player and each further given day
  • Victory the script will be executed once the given team has won the map.


An event is something that will be executed once a condition it's attached is true. Currently the following events are added. More events can be requested via the Issue Tracker

  • Dialog some talking between CO's
  • Spawn Unit allows you to spawn units for a player at certain positions.
  • Defeat Player kills a player and removes him from game
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