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A cloud-based system for the delivery of data from SciLifeLab Facilities to their users (e.g. research group).


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Data Delivery System Web / API

Release Licence: MIT Code style: black Code style: prettier
Linting CodeQL codecov Tests

Documentation Technical Overview Architecture Decision Record Troubleshooting CLI


The Data Delivery System (DDS) is a cloud-based system for all SciLifeLab platforms where data generated throughout each project can be delivered to the research groups in a fast, secure and simple way. The Web / API is the backend, handling the requests and the logic behind the scenes.

The Data Delivery System is developed and maintained by the SciLifeLab Data Centre. National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) Stockholm has been a part of the development team during 2021 and early 2022.

This project is supported by EIT Digital, activity number 19390. This deliverable consists of design document and implementation report of application and validation of VEIL.AI technology in SciLifeLab context in Sweden.

Table of Contents

Development Setup

When developing this software, we recommend that you run the web server locally using Docker. You can download Docker here:

Then, fork this repository and clone to your local system. In the root folder of the repo, run the server with one of the following profiles (plain, dev, full-dev, cli) depending on your needs.


Application & Database: Plain

docker-compose up

This command will orchestrate the building and running of two containers: one for the SQL database (mariadb) and one for the application.

Mailcatcher: dev

docker-compose --profile dev up

This will give you the above two containers, but also mailcatcher that will allow you to read any sent emails by going to localhost:1080 in a web browser.

Minio S3 Storage & Limiter: full-dev

docker-compose --profile full-dev up

Will also activate minio for s3 storage (clearly not functional with cli) and redis to enable a persistent limiter for the API. You also need to uncomment RATELIMIT_STORAGE_URI in docker-compose.yml to enable redis.

If you prefer, you can run the web servers in 'detached' mode with the -d flag, which does not block your terminal. If using this method, you can stop the web server with the command docker-compose down.

CLI development against local environment: cli

docker-compose --profile cli up

Will start database, backend, minio, and mailcatcher. Will also start an extra container prepared for working with the CLI.

Requires that dds_cli is checked out in ../dds_cli (otherwise adapt the volume path in docker-compose.yml).

  1. Start docker-compose with the cli profile

  2. Inject into the dds_cli container:

    docker exec -it dds_cli /bin/sh

Then you can freely use the dds cli component against the local development setup in the active CLI.

Python debugger inside docker

It's possible to use the interactive debugging tool pdb inside Docker with this method:

  1. Edit the docker-compose.yml and for the backend service, add:

    tty: true
    stdin_open: true

    just under

  2. Put import pdb; pdb.set_trace() in the python code where you would like to activate the debugger.

  3. Run with docker-compose as normal.

  4. Find out the id of the container running the backend.

    docker container ls
  5. Attach to the running backend container:

    docker container attach <container_id/name>

Config settings

When run from the cloned repo, all settings are set to default values. These values are publicly visible on GitHub and should not be used in production!

❗️ At the time of writing, upload within projects created in the development database will most likely not work. To use the upload functionality with the CLI, first create a project.

The following test usernames ship in the development setup:

  • superadmin
  • unituser_1
  • unituser_2
  • researchuser_1
  • researchuser_2

All have the password: password

Database changes

If you modify the database models (e.g. tables or indexes), you must create a migration for the changes. We use Alembic (via flask-migrate) which compares our database models with the running database to generate a suggested migration.

The new migration can be autogenerated in two main ways:

  1. Make sure the development setup is running (docker-compose up) while doing the changes.

  2. Reset the container using docker-compose down and then remove flask init-db $$DB_TYPE && in docker-compose.yml. It will prevent the population of the database, allowing you to install the old schema and build your migration on top of it by running docker-compose up

To create the migration, run the command flask db migrate -m <migration name> in the running backend:

docker exec dds_backend flask db migrate -m <migration name>

This will create a migration in the folder migrations/versions. Confirm that the changes in the file match the changes you did, otherwise change the upgrade and downgrade functions as needed. Keep an eye out for changes to the apscheduler tables and indexes, and make sure they are not included in the migration. Once the migration looks ok, test it by running flask db upgrade in the backend:

docker exec dds_backend flask db upgrade

Finally, confirm that the database looks correct after running the migration and commit the migration file to git. Note that you need to run black on the generated migration file.

↩️ If you want to start over, restore the content of migrations/versions (remove new files, run git restore on the folder) and start from autogeneration method 2.

Database issues while running docker-compose up

If you run into issues with complaints about the db while running docker-compose up you can try to reset the containers by running docker-compose down before trying again. If you still have issues, try cleaning up containers and volumes manually.

⚠️ These commands will remove all containers and volumes! If you are working on other projects please be more selective.

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) -f
docker volume prune

Then run docker-compose up as normal. The images will be rebuilt from scratch before launch.

If there are still issues, try deleting the pycache folders and repeat the above steps.

Run tests

Tests run on github actions on every pull request and push against master and dev. To run the tests locally, use this command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f tests/docker-compose-test.yml up --build --exit-code-from backend

This will create a test database in the mariadb container called DeliverySystemTest which will be populated before a test and emptied after a test has finished.

It's possible to supply arguments to pytest via the environment variable $DDS_PYTEST_ARGS. For example to only run the test_x inside the file tests/ you would set this variable as follows: export DDS_PYTEST_ARGS=tests/

To run interactively, use the following command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f tests/docker-compose-test-interactive.yml up --build --exit-code-from backend

Then in a new terminal, shell into the container and run pytest:

docker exec -it dds_backend /bin/sh

If you want to run tests quickly, without rebuilding the database each time, set the SAVE_DB environment variable:

SAVE_DB=1 pytest

Note that this stops the database from being deleted, so it will speed up the next run. Equally, if you want to tear down you need to run pytest twice without it, as it only affects the tear down.

Production Instance

The production version of the backend image is published at the GitHub Container Registry (GHCR). It can also be built by running:

docker build --target production -f Dockerfiles/backend.Dockerfile .

Use docker-compose.yml as a reference for the required environment.


The environment variable DDS_APP_CONFIG defines the location of the config file, e.g. /code/dds_web/dds_app.cfg. The config values are listed in dds_web/ Add them to the file in the format:


❗ It is recommended that you redefine all values in in your config file to avoid using default values by mistake.

Initialise the database

Before you can use the system, you must run flask db upgrade to initialise the database schema and prepare for future database migrations. You can also add a superuser by running flask init-db production. In order to customize the user, make sure to set the SUPERADMIN* config options.


Whenever you upgrade to a newer version, start by running flask db upgrade to make sure that the database schema is up-to-date.