A National Scale Architecture for pre-emptive diagnosis and Medical Planning
Project Objectives
To provide an initial diagnosis for patients based on symptoms observed. The system, detects probable illness and shall suggest any simple medication for mitigation. In the event that the symptoms indicate severe disease, the system will inform user and provide list of nearby medical facilities. The medical facility will also be notified of patient condition. The data collected across the various regions will be used for tracking general health of civilians of a region. Additionally, early detection and quarantine is made possible to prevent epidemic
Target of Application
Reduce stress on the medical facilities with low staff. Automate basic disease diagnosis and medication. Provide a centralized platform for viewing healthcare statistics over a period. Early detection in epidemic scenario.
Web App for user interfacing with user and symptom collection. Predict any health condition as indicated by symptoms. If condition is determined as serious, a nearby medical facility. Generate regionally observable features and paradigms. Alert a central authorities in the event of a possible epidemic.