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Avatar Multiple Animations Sample

Simon (darkside) Jackson edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 7 revisions

Avatar Multiple Animations Sample

Area Submitted Type
Games: 3D Graphics, Games: Graphics 6/12/2009 Code Sample

Sample Overview

Often in a game, the developer may want to play more than one animation at a time on different parts of a character's body. One example is having the character walk while they wave their hands. This requires the walk animation to be targeted at the character's legs and feet, while the wave animation plays on the character's arms.

In this sample, we demonstrate how to play two built-in avatar animations at the same time. The celebrate animation is used on most of the body, while the wave animation plays on just the avatar’s right arm.

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Download Size Description
AvatarMultipleAnimationsSample_4_0 0.03MB Source code and assets for the Avatar Multiple Animation Sample (XNA Game Studio 4.0) 0.03MB Source code and assets for the Avatar Multiple Animation Sample (XNA Game Studio 4.0)
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