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Marble Maze

Simon (darkside) Jackson edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 8 revisions

Marble Maze

Area Submitted Type
Games: 3D Graphics, Games: Audio, Games: Collision, Games: Gameplay, Games: Graphics, Games: Math, Games: Physics, Input, Touch & Gestures 10/4/2010 Tutorial

The Marble Maze Lab is a complete 3D accelerometer-based game for Windows Phone 7. Move your marble through the maze as quick as possible, but beware of the pits that will force you to restart from your last checkpoint. Based on the Game State Management Sample.


3D Graphics with Basic Effect
Sound and Music with Variable Pitch and Volume
Player-Following 3D Camera
Accelerometer Input with Keyboard Emulation
Geometry Metadata “Tagging” using the Content Pipeline
3D Bounding Sphere-to-World Mesh Collision w/ Triangle Accuracy
Marble Physics with Positional and Angular Velocity and Acceleration, and Friction Effects
High Score Table, Saved Across Sessions

All content and source code downloaded from this page are bound to the Microsoft Permissive License (Ms-PL).

Download Size Description
MarbleMaze_4_0 56.91MB Source code and assets for the Marble Maze Lab (XNA Game Studio 4.0). 56.91MB Source code and assets for the Marble Maze Lab (XNA Game Studio 4.0).
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