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Simon (darkside) Jackson edited this page Sep 1, 2020 · 4 revisions

Playing sound effects

At this moment, we have a fully playable game thanks to all the functionality we have added throughout this series of 2D Tutorials. The overall feeling of a game is always GREATLY improved once sound effects are added to it, which is what we’re about to do in this chapter.

Loading sounds

We are going to add three simple sound effects:

  • One for the rocket launch
  • One for a terrain explosion
  • And another one for a cannon explosion.

The audio files are included in the asset bundle you downloaded earlier.

Loading and playing sound effects have been simplified in MonoGame, to the point where you can load it the same as if were loading and using textures, all thanks to the improvements in the Content Pipeline.

Therefore, as we have done many times before with textures, add the 3 files into your Content project and then define these 3 variables in the Properties section of your code:

    private SoundEffect _hitCannon;
    private SoundEffect _hitTerrain;
    private SoundEffect _launch;

As we are now using features from the MonoGame audio framework, we will also need to add a new using statement to the top of our class file, as follows:

    using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;

Next, load the audio files in your LoadContent method:

    _hitCannon = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("hitcannon");
    _hitTerrain = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("hitterrain");
    _launch = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("launch");

Now, all you need to do is call Play() for each of the new SoundEffect variables to play the sound, thanks to the simplicity of the MonoGame Framework!

Playing SoundEffects

The first effect (launch) should be started whenever a rocket is launched, which is detected in our ProcessKeyboard method. Add this line to the end of that method, inside the end of the if-block that detects when the rocket should be launched (keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter) || keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space)):


The other two effects should be started whenever a detection between the rocket and the terrain or a cannon is detected. So go to our CheckCollisions method, and add this line to the start of if-block that checks for player collisions (playerCollisionPoint.X > -1):


And this line to the start of the if-block that detects terrain collisions (terrainCollisionPoint.X > -1):


That’s it! When you run the code, you should hear some sound effect each time you launch a rocket, and when the rocket hits something.


You can try these exercises to practice what you've learned:

  • If you do not like the sounds, try replacing them with your own (but not MP3's)
  • Try adding a new sound and playing it when the rocket leaves the screen.

The code thus far

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;

namespace Series2D1
    public struct PlayerData
        public Vector2 Position;
        public bool IsAlive;
        public Color Color;
        public float Angle;
        public float Power;

    public struct ParticleData
        public float BirthTime;
        public float MaxAge;
        public Vector2 OriginalPosition;
        public Vector2 Acceleration;
        public Vector2 Direction;
        public Vector2 Position;
        public float Scaling;
        public Color ModColor;

    public class Game1 : Game
        private GraphicsDeviceManager _graphics;
        private SpriteBatch _spriteBatch;
        private GraphicsDevice _device;
        private Texture2D _backgroundTexture;
        private Texture2D _foregroundTexture;
        private Texture2D _carriageTexture;
        private Texture2D _cannonTexture;
        private Texture2D _rocketTexture;
        private Texture2D _smokeTexture;
        private Texture2D _groundTexture;
        private Texture2D _explosionTexture;
        private Color[,] _explosionColorArray;
        private SpriteFont _font;
        private SoundEffect _hitCannon;
        private SoundEffect _hitTerrain;
        private SoundEffect _launch;
        private int _screenWidth;
        private int _screenHeight;
        private PlayerData[] _players;
        private int _numberOfPlayers = 4;
        private float _playerScaling;
        private int _currentPlayer = 0;
        private bool _rocketFlying = false;
        private Vector2 _rocketPosition;
        private Vector2 _rocketDirection;
        private float _rocketAngle;
        private float _rocketScaling = 0.1f;
        private Color[] _playerColors = new Color[10]
        private List<Vector2> _smokeList = new List<Vector2>();
        private Random _randomizer = new Random();
        private int[] _terrainContour;
        private Color[,] _rocketColorArray;
        private Color[,] _foregroundColorArray;
        private Color[,] _carriageColorArray;
        private Color[,] _cannonColorArray;
        List<ParticleData> _particleList = new List<ParticleData>();

        public Game1()
            _graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
            Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

        protected override void Initialize()
            // TODO: Add your initialization logic here
            _graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 500;
            _graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 500;
            _graphics.IsFullScreen = false;
            Window.Title = "Riemer's 2D MonoGame Tutorial";


        private void SetUpPlayers()
            _players = new PlayerData[_numberOfPlayers];
            for (int i = 0; i < _numberOfPlayers; i++)
                _players[i].IsAlive = true;
                _players[i].Color = _playerColors[i];
                _players[i].Angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(90);
                _players[i].Power = 100;
                _players[i].Position = new Vector2();
                _players[i].Position.X = _screenWidth / (_numberOfPlayers + 1) * (i + 1);
                _players[i].Position.Y = _terrainContour[(int)_players[i].Position.X];

        private void GenerateTerrainContour()
            _terrainContour = new int[_screenWidth];

            double rand1 = _randomizer.NextDouble() + 1;
            double rand2 = _randomizer.NextDouble() + 2;
            double rand3 = _randomizer.NextDouble() + 3;

            float offset = _screenHeight / 2;
            float peakheight = 100;
            float flatness = 70;

            for (int x = 0; x < _screenWidth; x++)
                double height = peakheight / rand1 * Math.Sin((float)x / flatness * rand1 + rand1);
                height += peakheight / rand2 * Math.Sin((float)x / flatness * rand2 + rand2);
                height += peakheight / rand3 * Math.Sin((float)x / flatness * rand3 + rand3);
                height += offset;
                _terrainContour[x] = (int)height;

        private void CreateForeground()
            Color[,] groundColors = TextureTo2DArray(_groundTexture);
            Color[] foregroundColors = new Color[_screenWidth * _screenHeight];

            for (int x = 0; x < _screenWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < _screenHeight; y++)
                    if (y > _terrainContour[x])
                        foregroundColors[x + y * _screenWidth] = groundColors[x % _groundTexture.Width, y % _groundTexture.Height];
                        foregroundColors[x + y * _screenWidth] = Color.Transparent;

            _foregroundTexture = new Texture2D(_device, _screenWidth, _screenHeight, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);

            _foregroundColorArray = TextureTo2DArray(_foregroundTexture);

        private void FlattenTerrainBelowPlayers()
            foreach (PlayerData player in _players)
                if (player.IsAlive)
                    for (int x = 0; x < 40; x++)
                        _terrainContour[(int)player.Position.X + x] = _terrainContour[(int)player.Position.X];

        private Color[,] TextureTo2DArray(Texture2D texture)
            Color[] colors1D = new Color[texture.Width * texture.Height];

            Color[,] colors2D = new Color[texture.Width, texture.Height];
            for (int x = 0; x < texture.Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < texture.Height; y++)
                    colors2D[x, y] = colors1D[x + y * texture.Width];

            return colors2D;


        protected override void LoadContent()
            _spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
            _device = _graphics.GraphicsDevice;

            // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here
            _backgroundTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("background");
            _carriageTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("carriage");
            _cannonTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("cannon");
            _rocketTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("rocket");
            _smokeTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("smoke");
            _groundTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("ground");
            _explosionTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("explosion");
            _font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("myFont");

            _hitCannon = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("hitcannon");
            _hitTerrain = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("hitterrain");
            _launch = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("launch");

            _screenWidth = _device.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth;
            _screenHeight = _device.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight;

            _playerScaling = 40.0f / (float)_carriageTexture.Width;


            _rocketColorArray = TextureTo2DArray(_rocketTexture);
            _carriageColorArray = TextureTo2DArray(_carriageTexture);
            _cannonColorArray = TextureTo2DArray(_cannonTexture);
            _explosionColorArray = TextureTo2DArray(_explosionTexture);

        private void ProcessKeyboard()
            KeyboardState keybState = Keyboard.GetState();

            if (keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
                _players[_currentPlayer].Angle -= 0.01f;
            if (keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
                _players[_currentPlayer].Angle += 0.01f;

            if (_players[_currentPlayer].Angle > MathHelper.PiOver2)
                _players[_currentPlayer].Angle = -MathHelper.PiOver2;
            if (_players[_currentPlayer].Angle < -MathHelper.PiOver2)
                _players[_currentPlayer].Angle = MathHelper.PiOver2;

            if (keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down))
                _players[_currentPlayer].Power -= 1;
            if (keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
                _players[_currentPlayer].Power += 1;
            if (keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.PageDown))
                _players[_currentPlayer].Power -= 20;
            if (keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.PageUp))
                _players[_currentPlayer].Power += 20;

            if (_players[_currentPlayer].Power > 1000)
                _players[_currentPlayer].Power = 1000;
            if (_players[_currentPlayer].Power < 0)
                _players[_currentPlayer].Power = 0;

            if (keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter) || keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
                _rocketFlying = true;
                _rocketPosition = _players[_currentPlayer].Position;
                _rocketPosition.X += 20;
                _rocketPosition.Y -= 10;
                _rocketAngle = _players[_currentPlayer].Angle;
                Vector2 up = new Vector2(0, -1);
                Matrix rotMatrix = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(_rocketAngle);
                _rocketDirection = Vector2.Transform(up, rotMatrix);
                _rocketDirection *= _players[_currentPlayer].Power / 50.0f;


        private void UpdateRocket()
            if (_rocketFlying)
                Vector2 gravity = new Vector2(0, 1);
                _rocketDirection += gravity / 10.0f;
                _rocketPosition += _rocketDirection;
                _rocketAngle = (float)Math.Atan2(_rocketDirection.X, -_rocketDirection.Y);

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    Vector2 smokePos = _rocketPosition;
                    smokePos.X += _randomizer.Next(10) - 5;
                    smokePos.Y += _randomizer.Next(10) - 5;

        private Vector2 TexturesCollide(Color[,] tex1, Matrix mat1, Color[,] tex2, Matrix mat2)
            Matrix mat1to2 = mat1 * Matrix.Invert(mat2);
            int width1 = tex1.GetLength(0);
            int height1 = tex1.GetLength(1);
            int width2 = tex2.GetLength(0);
            int height2 = tex2.GetLength(1);

            for (int x1 = 0; x1 < width1; x1++)
                for (int y1 = 0; y1 < height1; y1++)
                    Vector2 pos1 = new Vector2(x1, y1);
                    Vector2 pos2 = Vector2.Transform(pos1, mat1to2);

                    int x2 = (int)pos2.X;
                    int y2 = (int)pos2.Y;
                    if ((x2 >= 0) && (x2 < width2))
                        if ((y2 >= 0) && (y2 < height2))
                            if (tex1[x1, y1].A > 0)
                                if (tex2[x2, y2].A > 0)
                                    return Vector2.Transform(pos1, mat1);

            return new Vector2(-1, -1);

        private Vector2 CheckTerrainCollision()
            Matrix rocketMat = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-42, -240, 0) *
                            Matrix.CreateRotationZ(_rocketAngle) *
                            Matrix.CreateScale(_rocketScaling) *
                            Matrix.CreateTranslation(_rocketPosition.X, _rocketPosition.Y, 0);
            Matrix terrainMat = Matrix.Identity;
            Vector2 terrainCollisionPoint = TexturesCollide(_rocketColorArray, rocketMat, _foregroundColorArray, terrainMat);
            return terrainCollisionPoint;

        private Vector2 CheckPlayersCollision()
            Matrix rocketMat = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-42, -240, 0) *
                               Matrix.CreateRotationZ(_rocketAngle) *
                               Matrix.CreateScale(_rocketScaling) *
                               Matrix.CreateTranslation(_rocketPosition.X, _rocketPosition.Y, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < _numberOfPlayers; i++)
                PlayerData player = _players[i];
                if (player.IsAlive)
                    if (i != _currentPlayer)
                        int xPos = (int)player.Position.X;
                        int yPos = (int)player.Position.Y;

                        Matrix carriageMat = Matrix.CreateTranslation(0, -_carriageTexture.Height, 0) *
                                             Matrix.CreateScale(_playerScaling) *
                                             Matrix.CreateTranslation(xPos, yPos, 0);
                        Vector2 carriageCollisionPoint = TexturesCollide(_carriageColorArray, carriageMat, _rocketColorArray, rocketMat);

                        if (carriageCollisionPoint.X > -1)
                            _players[i].IsAlive = false;
                            return carriageCollisionPoint;

                        Matrix cannonMat = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-11, -50, 0) *
                                           Matrix.CreateRotationZ(player.Angle) *
                                           Matrix.CreateScale(_playerScaling) *
                                           Matrix.CreateTranslation(xPos + 20, yPos - 10, 0);

                        Vector2 cannonCollisionPoint = TexturesCollide(_cannonColorArray, cannonMat, _rocketColorArray, rocketMat);
                        if (cannonCollisionPoint.X > -1)
                            _players[i].IsAlive = false;
                            return cannonCollisionPoint;
            return new Vector2(-1, -1);

        private bool CheckOutOfScreen()
            bool rocketOutOfScreen = _rocketPosition.Y > _screenHeight;
            rocketOutOfScreen |= _rocketPosition.X < 0;
            rocketOutOfScreen |= _rocketPosition.X > _screenWidth;

            return rocketOutOfScreen;

        private void CheckCollisions(GameTime gameTime)
            Vector2 terrainCollisionPoint = CheckTerrainCollision();
            Vector2 playerCollisionPoint = CheckPlayersCollision();
            bool rocketOutOfScreen = CheckOutOfScreen();

            if (playerCollisionPoint.X > -1)

                _rocketFlying = false;

                _smokeList = new List<Vector2>();
                AddExplosion(playerCollisionPoint, 10, 80.0f, 2000.0f, gameTime);

            if (terrainCollisionPoint.X > -1)

                _rocketFlying = false;

                _smokeList = new List<Vector2>();
                AddExplosion(terrainCollisionPoint, 4, 30.0f, 1000.0f, gameTime);

            if (rocketOutOfScreen)
                _rocketFlying = false;

                _smokeList = new List<Vector2>();

        private void NextPlayer()
            _currentPlayer = _currentPlayer + 1;
            _currentPlayer = _currentPlayer % _numberOfPlayers;
            while (!_players[_currentPlayer].IsAlive)
                _currentPlayer = ++_currentPlayer % _numberOfPlayers;

        private void AddExplosion(Vector2 explosionPos, int numberOfParticles, float size, float maxAge, GameTime gameTime)
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfParticles; i++)
                AddExplosionParticle(explosionPos, size, maxAge, gameTime);

            float rotation = (float)_randomizer.Next(10);
            Matrix mat = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-_explosionTexture.Width / 2, -_explosionTexture.Height / 2, 0) *
                                                  Matrix.CreateRotationZ(rotation) *
                                                  Matrix.CreateScale(size / (float)_explosionTexture.Width * 2.0f) *
                                                  Matrix.CreateTranslation(explosionPos.X, explosionPos.Y, 0);

            AddCrater(_explosionColorArray, mat);

            for (int i = 0; i < _players.Length; i++)
                _players[i].Position.Y = _terrainContour[(int)_players[i].Position.X];

        private void AddExplosionParticle(Vector2 explosionPos, float explosionSize, float maxAge, GameTime gameTime)
            ParticleData particle = new ParticleData();

            particle.OriginalPosition = explosionPos;
            particle.Position = particle.OriginalPosition;

            particle.BirthTime = (float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
            particle.MaxAge = maxAge;
            particle.Scaling = 0.25f;
            particle.ModColor = Color.White;

            float particleDistance = (float)_randomizer.NextDouble() * explosionSize;
            Vector2 displacement = new Vector2(particleDistance, 0);
            float angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(_randomizer.Next(360));
            displacement = Vector2.Transform(displacement, Matrix.CreateRotationZ(angle));

            particle.Direction = displacement * 2.0f;
            particle.Acceleration = -particle.Direction;


        private void UpdateParticles(GameTime gameTime)
            float now = (float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
            for (int i = _particleList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                ParticleData particle = _particleList[i];
                float timeAlive = now - particle.BirthTime;

                if (timeAlive > particle.MaxAge)
                    //update current particle
                    float relAge = timeAlive / particle.MaxAge;
                    particle.Position = 0.5f * particle.Acceleration * relAge * relAge + particle.Direction * relAge + particle.OriginalPosition;

                    float invAge = 1.0f - relAge;
                    particle.ModColor = new Color(new Vector4(invAge, invAge, invAge, invAge));

                    Vector2 positionFromCenter = particle.Position - particle.OriginalPosition;
                    float distance = positionFromCenter.Length();
                    particle.Scaling = (50.0f + distance) / 200.0f;

                    _particleList[i] = particle;

        private void AddCrater(Color[,] tex, Matrix mat)
            int width = tex.GetLength(0);
            int height = tex.GetLength(1);

            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    if (tex[x, y].R > 10)
                        Vector2 imagePos = new Vector2(x, y);
                        Vector2 screenPos = Vector2.Transform(imagePos, mat);

                        int screenX = (int)screenPos.X;
                        int screenY = (int)screenPos.Y;

                        if ((screenX) > 0 && (screenX < _screenWidth))
                            if (_terrainContour[screenX] < screenY)
                                _terrainContour[screenX] = screenY;

        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed ||

            // TODO: Add your update logic here

            if (_rocketFlying)

            if (_particleList.Count > 0)

            if (!_rocketFlying && _particleList.Count == 0)


        protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

            // TODO: Add your drawing code here


            _spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.Additive);


        private void DrawScenery()
            Rectangle screenRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, _screenWidth, _screenHeight);
            _spriteBatch.Draw(_backgroundTexture, screenRectangle, Color.White);
            _spriteBatch.Draw(_foregroundTexture, screenRectangle, Color.White);

        private void DrawPlayers()
            for (int i = 0; i < _players.Length; i++)
                if (_players[i].IsAlive)
                    int xPos = (int)_players[i].Position.X;
                    int yPos = (int)_players[i].Position.Y;
                    Vector2 cannonOrigin = new Vector2(11, 50);

                    _spriteBatch.Draw(_carriageTexture, _players[i].Position, null, _players[i].Color, 0, new Vector2(0, _carriageTexture.Height), _playerScaling, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
                    _spriteBatch.Draw(_cannonTexture, new Vector2(xPos + 20, yPos - 10), null, _players[i].Color, _players[i].Angle, cannonOrigin, _playerScaling, SpriteEffects.None, 1);

        private void DrawText()
            PlayerData player = _players[_currentPlayer];
            int currentAngle = (int)MathHelper.ToDegrees(player.Angle);
            _spriteBatch.DrawString(_font, "Cannon angle: " + currentAngle.ToString(), new Vector2(20, 20), player.Color);
            _spriteBatch.DrawString(_font, "Cannon power: " + player.Power.ToString(), new Vector2(20, 45), player.Color);

        private void DrawRocket()
            if (_rocketFlying)
                _spriteBatch.Draw(_rocketTexture, _rocketPosition, null, _players[_currentPlayer].Color, _rocketAngle, new Vector2(42, 240), _rocketScaling, SpriteEffects.None, 1);

        private void DrawSmoke()
            for (int i = 0; i < _smokeList.Count; i++)
                _spriteBatch.Draw(_smokeTexture, _smokeList[i], null, Color.White, 0, new Vector2(40, 35), 0.2f, SpriteEffects.None, 1);

        private void DrawExplosion()
            for (int i = 0; i < _particleList.Count; i++)
                ParticleData particle = _particleList[i];
                _spriteBatch.Draw(_explosionTexture, particle.Position, null, particle.ModColor, i, new Vector2(256, 256), particle.Scaling, SpriteEffects.None, 1);

Next Steps

Resolution independency

Clone this wiki locally