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Waypoint Navigation

Simon (darkside) Jackson edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 7 revisions

Waypoint Navigation

Area Submitted Type
Games: Artificial Intelligence 9/30/2008 Code Sample


This sample demonstrates basic artificial intelligence navigation in 2D, using waypoints

Sample Overview

When programming the AI for your game, you often want your actors to follow a path that you supply. For example, you may want units in your real-time strategy game to follow orders, or perhaps you want to make a mouse navigate a maze.

This sample uses a tank to demonstrate two examples of this waypoint-following behavior. In this sample, you can move the cursor around and add waypoints toward which the tank will move in the order that you add them.

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devEd_waypoints_small4.jpg devEd_waypoints_small2.jpg devEd_waypoints_small3.jpg

Download Size Description
WaypointSample_4_0 0.05MB Source code and assets for the Waypoint Sample (XNA Game Studio 4.0). 0.05MB Source code and assets for the Waypoint Sample (XNA Game Studio 4.0).
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