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Custom Model Rigid and Skinned Animations

Simon (darkside) Jackson edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 7 revisions

Custom Model Rigid and Skinned Animations

Area Submitted Type
Games: 3D Graphics, Games: Graphics 12/16/2010 Code Sample

Sample Overview

This sample shows how animations can be baked into a rigid or skinned model using a 3D content creation tool that would typically require game logic, by simply loading and playing the animation. The two examples presented in this sample are a rigid cube that falls apart as it hits the ground and a skinned "Dude" model that can walk through a scene without having to be moved by using code.

These examples are useful for different reasons. When using a rigid model, for instance, an artist can create a complex explosion effect like the one pictured, without having to incorporate any complex physics capabilities into the game code. For a skinned model, a good place to use this technique might be inside a cutscene, where the artist can develop the entire scene independent of code.

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Download Size Description
CustomModelAnimation_4_0 2.17MB Source code and assets for the Custom Model Rigid and Skinned Animation sample. 2.17MB Source code and assets for the Custom Model Rigid and Skinned Animation sample.
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