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Badguys Misc

Carsten Wirtz edited this page Dec 26, 2020 · 1 revision

Miscellaneous Badguys of SuperTux

This page shall describe all enemies, old and new, that can appear in all worlds in as much detail as possible.

Note: For some badguys, we still need to settle down on proper names (e.g. Cannon or Dispenser).

Mr. Bomb

The base behavior of Mr. Bomb is walking around forward but turns around when reaching the edge. When hit he doesn't get squished, but knocked out and his fuse starts burning. While the fuse is burning he doesn't move, but instead can be carried around like an iceblock.

After ~5 seconds he then explodes, killing nearby badguys as well. The presence of other Mr. Bombs during explosion may cause a chain reaction of explosions. He also explodes if he is hit by one of Tux's fireballs, but if hit by an iceball, he freezes without exploding.

Property Status
Squishable yes
Buttjumpable yes
Burnable yes
Freezable yes


Grumbel: "Time to explosion is too short, blinking doesn't signal time to explosion well enough, making it almost impossible to carry it around to do anything. Fuse doesn't actually burn when activated."

Short Fuse

Short Fuse is a small version of Mr. Bomb, who most commonly approaches Tux in groups. Since their fuse is so short they will "pop" immediately upon contact. They however are non-lethal to Tux and only work to either distract him and throw him back or push him into other obstacles.

Property Status
Squishable yes
Buttjumpable yes
Burnable yes
Freezable no


A purple walking bomb behaving just like Mr. Bomb, happy to be around until touched without its consent. When jumped on Haywire his fuse gets activated. This causes him to start chasing Tux at a much faster speed until he explodes.

He can't be carried around but jumping on him when the fuse is burning will cause Tux to bounce and Haywire to be stunned for a very short moment (fraction of a second). When shot with a fireball Haywire explodes immediately.

Property Status
Squishable yes
Buttjumpable yes
Burnable yes
Freezable yes


Grumbel: "Visually not distinct enough. Sound effects terrible. Behaviour change when jumped uppon not dangerous enough. See Concept Art."

Gold Bomb

The Gold Bomb has the same behavior as Mr. Bomb. The only difference being that upon exploding 10 coins will drop.

Property Status
Squishable yes
Buttjumpable yes
Burnable yes
Freezable yes


A Skydive is a bomb in the shape of a fish that is usually carried around and dropped by Owl but can also spawn from droppers.

They fall down to the ground once dropped and explode.

Property Status
Squishable yes
Buttjumpable yes
Burnable yes
Freezable no


Flames are glowing spheres that rotate around in a circle at a set radius, hurting Tux when he gets too close. They are usually found in castles.

Flames are mostly indestructible. However, while only the ghost flame variant is fully indestructible the normal flame can be destroyed with an ice ball and the ice flame variant with a fire ball.

Property Status
Squishable no
Buttjumpable no
Burnable varied
Freezable varied

Cannon (dispenser)

While not a badguy in its own right the cannon most commonly spawns badguys like Kamikaze Snowball or Leafshot. The cannon can be mounted on either static or rotatable pedestal. It is also possible for the cannon to shoot inanimate, non-badguy objects.

Despite its cannon form, there also exists a dropper and invisible variant.

Property Status
Squishable no
Buttjumpable no
Burnable no
Freezable yes


Grumbel: "Overly complicated and configurable. It should focus on one thing and doing it well (i.e. shooting snowballs) instead of doing everything and than some. Might be best to discard the current Dispenser class and replace it with a Canon class."



Ispy is an eye embedded in a stone housing that works similar to a photoelectric sensor. When Tux can be seen by the eye it will activate a mechanism, like a door closing or a trap activating.

Property Status
Squishable no
Buttjumpable no
Burnable no
Freezable no

List of miscellaneous badguys as of SuperTux 0.6.2

  • Mr. Bomb
  • Shortfuse
  • Haywire
  • Gold Bomb
  • Skydive
  • Flame
  • Cannon
  • Ispy

List of miscellaneous badguys in SuperTux 0.1.3

  • Mr. Bomb
  • Flame

See also


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