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Tutorial 04 02 Add Traditional Bridge Project

Matt Linder edited this page Jun 30, 2023 · 25 revisions

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Tutorial 4: Adding a Traditional Bridge Project

Adding Traditional Bridge to a Harmony Core solution typically involves adding a new traditional Synergy project that includes traditional Synergy routines (the routines you want to expose via endpoints), dispatchers, model classes and other components needed to create the endpoints, along with a simple console application (DBR) that we refer to as the "Traditional Bridge host program". This is the kind of project we'll create in this tutorial. You can, however, organize and deploy some of this code via additional ELB projects. It really depends on how complex your environment is.

For this tutorial, the Traditional Bridge host program will

  • listen for request messages from Harmony Core, sent via standard in (TT:).
  • decode requests to determine which routine is to be called and to determine values for any inbound parameters.
  • execute subroutines and functions as directed, passing needed parameters.
  • construct response messages based on return values and the values of any out parameters.
  • send responses back to Harmony Core via standard out (TT:).

The format of the request and response messages is defined by a standard protocol called JSON RPC 2.0. This mechanism is described in more detail in the Dynamic Call Protocol topic.

In this tutorial, the Traditional Bridge environment will be implemented on Windows and in the same solution as the Harmony Core services. But keep in mind that this is not a requirement. Traditional Bridge code can be built and run on Windows, UNIX, Linux, or OpenVMS.

Add a Basic TraditionalBridge Project

  1. Open a Windows command prompt and navigate to the directory with the .sln file for your Harmony Core solution.

  2. Enter the following command to open the Harmony Core GUI tool:

    harmonycore gui

    A message will briefly display indicating that the solution is being loaded.

  3. When the "Loading solution" message disappears, select Features > Add Traditional Bridge from the menu. (Do not select the Add Traditional Bridge and SMC menu entry. We'll specify an SMC and set up xfServerPlus migration in subsequent steps.)

    A message will briefly display, indicating that Traditional Bridge is being added to the solution.

  4. Open your Harmony Core solution in Visual Studio (and Solution Explorer), and notice that there is now a TraditionalBridge project with subfolders:

    TraditionalBridge project

    Also notice that in the Source folder of this project there is a Bridge folder that has several files. These files contain Traditional Bridge library code, which is pre-written helper code to help with JSON data, JSON-RPC messages, and more.

    TraditionalBridge library code

Adjust Project Settings

Unless you have changed the .NET projects in your Harmony Core solution since you followed the steps in Building a Service from Scratch, these projects will be set to build for Any CPU by default. However, the TraditionalBridge project that you just added defaults to x86 (32-bit). We'll make sure the environment builds the code for x64 (64-bit):

  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click the solution node (the topmost node) and select Configuration Manager. Configuration Manager will open:

    Configuration Manager

  2. Make sure Active solution configuration is set to Debug. Then set the Platform for TraditionalBridge to x64, and make sure the checkbox in the Build column is selected for TraditionalBridge.

  3. Change Active solution configuration to Release. Then once again make sure Platform for TraditionalBridge is set to x64 and checkbox in the Build column is selected for TraditionalBridge.

  4. Click the Close button to save your changes and close the dialog.

  5. Next, right-click the TraditionalBridge project node in Solution Explorer and select Properties from the context menu.

    Properties menu entry

  6. The TraditionalBridge project properties dialog will open. Select the Build tab and set the Output path field to the following:


    The Build screen should look like this:

    Build page

  7. Save your changes to the Build screen and then select the Common Properties tab. Notice that the EXEDIR setting matches the path you just set Output path to. (You'll see EXEDIR again later in this tutorial in Determine the Traditional Bridge Directory.)

    Common Properties

Your Harmony Core solution now has the basic scaffolding for Traditional Bridge. Next, you'll use some functionality that enables code generation to do much of the work needed to fill in your Traditional Bridge implementation.

Specify an SMC and Enable xfServerPlus Migration

In the following steps, you'll set up xfServerPlus migration, which generates Traditional Bridge components from interface definitions in a Synergy method catalog (SMC). We'll start by creating a sample SMC with an interface that defines three methods.

  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click the MethodCatalog folder (in the TraditionalBridge project) and select Add > Class. Then, in the Add New Item dialog, select XML File, name the file MethodDefinitions.xml, and click Add. This will create a MethodDefinitions.xml file in the MethodCatalog folder. If you are prompted to overwrite the file, click Yes.

  2. Copy the following code and paste it into the file you just made, replacing the default code for the file.

 <?xml version='1.0'?>
 <component name="MethodDefinitions" repository="D:\HarmonyCoreProjectTemplates\ProjectTemplates\dotnet-new-harmonydemo-synergy\Repository\bin\Debug" smc="D:\HarmonyCoreProjectTemplates\ProjectTemplates\dotnet-new-harmonydemo-synergy\TraditionalBridge\MethodCatalog" smcrev="5">
   <interface name="BridgeMethods">
      <method name="AddTwoNumbers" id="AddTwoNumbers" routine="AddTwoNumbers" elb="EXE:BridgeMethods">
            <line1>Add two numbers</line1>
         <param name="number1" type="decimal" size="28" precision="10">
               <line1>First number</line1>
         <param name="number2" type="decimal" size="28" precision="2">
               <line1>Second number</line1>
         <param name="result" type="decimal" size="28" precision="10" dir="out">
               <line1>Resulting number</line1>
      <method name="GetEnvironment" id="GetEnvironment" routine="GetEnvironment" elb="EXE:BridgeMethods">
            <line1>Get environment string</line1>
         <methodresult type="string" size="0">
               <line1>Returned environment string</line1>
      <method name="GetLogicalName" id="GetLogicalName" routine="GetLogicalName" elb="EXE:BridgeMethods">
            <line1>Get a logical name's value</line1>
         <methodresult type="string" size="0"/>
         <param name="aLogicalName" type="string" size="0">
               <line1>Logical name</line1>
  1. Save the file.

  2. In the Harmony Core GUI tool, select Features > Enable SMC Import from the menu.

  3. In the "Load SMC" dialog, navigate to the MethodCatalog folder (i.e., go to the lower pane of the dialog, double-click /TraditionalBridge, and then double-click /MethodCatalog). Then select the SMC you just created (MethodDefinitions.xml) and click Open.

  4. A message will be displayed, indicating that the SMC has been selected. Click OK to close the message, and then select File > Save to save the changes.

  5. Now select Traditional Bridge to switch to the Traditional Bridge screen of the Harmony Core CLI tool:

    Traditional Bridge settings

    Notice the following settings, which have been set automatically by the features we've used in this section of the tutorial:

    • Enable Traditional Bridge is set to True.
    • Enable sample dispatchers is set to Yes. (We'll see the sample dispatchers later in this tutorial.)
    • Enable generation from SMC is set to Yes.
    • SMC path is set to the path for the SMC file we selected.

Next topic: Updating Traditional Bridge

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