The Adam Blockchain Computer (Adam BC) is a decentralized blockchain based super computer.
Small AI Research labs, Individual scientists, Institutions and Businesses that cannot afford to hire large super computers can pool together a group of personal computers and use Adam BC's peer to peer computing mode to perform hyper computations.
Consider Adam BC to be the “poor person’s super computer”.
Install the following applications on your PC before installing Adam BC.
Go to and download or clone Adam BC's core app.
Open the unzipped or cloned Adam BC app folder in your favorite code editor (we use VS Code) and install the app's npm dependency modules.
npm install
Then install python dependencies (Make sure to have pip8 or greater installed).
npm run pyinstall
To use the 'Adam' command in the CLI, you'll need to install it globally. To do this, run the command below.
npm install -g
Third-party Developers can build Decentralized Apps (DApps) on Adam BC.
With the 'Adam' keyword installed globally, you can create a Decentralized App (DApp) on Adam BC by typing the command below in the CLI terminal of your app.
Adam create AppName
The above command will by default create an Adam BC 'fs' DApp, a 'filesystem' heavy application.
Currently Adam BC can build 3 types of DApps;
'numerics' DApp (arithmetics-heavy DApp),
'fs' DApp (file-heavy data DApp), and
'multimedia' DApp (image or video rich DApp).
To create a 'numerics' heavy DApp use the 'n' option keyword, to create a 'multimedia' heavy DApp use the 'm' option keyword, to create a 'filesystem' heavy DApp use the 'f' option keyword.
The corresponding commands look like below.
Adam create -n AppName
Adam create -m AppName
Adam create -f AppName
Adam BC has an additional custom command for creating a PDF heavy DApp.
To create a 'PDF' heavy DApp use the 'p' option keyword.
Adam create -p AppName
Adam BC also supports DApp development using the python programming language.
To create an Adam BC DApp in Python, use the corresponding commands below.
Adam create -n --py AppName
Adam create -m --py AppName
Adam create -f --py AppName
Adam create -p --py AppName
You can start and run your newly created Adam BC DApp by using the CLI command below.
Adam start AppName
If the run was successful, you should see the message "Adam BC DApp started successfully on Port 6553" in your console.
Open your browser and visit 'http://localhost:6553'.
Click 'Start' to start computation.
Adam BC has started:
Adam BC in Running State:
Adam BC Computation Report:
To delete a DApp from Adam BC, run the command below in the Command terminal.
Adam delete AppName