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JasperLorelai edited this page Jul 15, 2023 · 4 revisions

This section details the mana.yml file and all the options within it. The default mana.yml can be found here.

Option Description Default Value
enable-mana-system Whether to use the native mana system. At more advanced levels of the plugin, you may consider replacing this with a custom variable system. true
default-prefix The prefix to use for the chat-based mana bar. "Mana:"
default-symbol The symbol to use for the chat-based mana bar. '='
default-size The number of characters to use in chat to represent the mana bar. 35
default-color-full The color to use in the chat mana bar to represent filled mana. Accepts values from 0 to 9, and a to f. 1
default-color-empty The color to use in the chat mana bar to represent empty mana space. Accepts values from 0 to 9, and a to f. 0
default-max-mana The maximum amount of mana to give the default user. 100
default-starting-mana The default amount of starting mana to give the default user. 100
default-regen-amount How much mana to regen per regeneration "tick". 5
default-regen-interval The frequency of mana regeneration. Measured in ticks, where 20 ticks equal 1 second. 20
show-mana-on-use Whether to display the mana bar in chat when the player uses it. false
show-mana-on-regen Whether to display the mana bar in chat when regeneration ticks happen. false
show-mana-on-hunger-bar Moves the mana bar to the player's hunger bar. false
show-mana-on-action-bar Moves the mana bar to the player's action bar. false
show-mana-on-experience-bar The standard location for mana. This moves the mana bar to the player's exp bar. Vanilla exp is not overwritten, only visually changed. Players retain their vanilla exp count even when it displays their mana. true

The sections not listed above are as follows.

Mana Ranks:

The magicspells mana system has a functionality called "ranks". These can be assigned via permission, magicspells.rank.(rank). The config section defaults to having 3, but you can make as many as you want, and distribute them however you'd like.

        prefix: "Mana:"
        symbol: '='
        size: 35
        max-mana: 200
        starting-mana: 200
        regen-amount: 10
        regen-interval: 20
        color-full: 1
        color-empty: 0
        prefix: "Mana:"
        symbol: '='
        size: 35
        max-mana: 150
        starting-mana: 150
        regen-amount: 7
        regen-interval: 20
        color-full: 1
        color-empty: 0
        prefix: "Mana:"
        symbol: '='
        size: 35
        max-mana: 100
        starting-mana: 100
        regen-amount: 5
        regen-interval: 20
        color-full: 1
        color-empty: 0
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