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JasperLorelai edited this page May 19, 2024 · 9 revisions

Source Code

spell-class: ".targeted.VolleySpell"
Value Supported
entity false
location true
entity_from_location true
  • projectile - Plays the effect at every arrow's position.
  • casterprojectile - Plays the effect from the caster towards the arrow's location.


A targeted spell that shoots a large number of arrows at a targeted block.


Since 4.0 Beta 13 these options support dynamic values through numeric or string expressions.

Option Description Type Default
fire Defines how long to set the targets on fire. Integer 0
speed The velocity to apply to the arrows shot. Float 20
arrows The amount of arrows to shoot in total. Integer 10
spread How wide a spray the arrows should cover. Float 150
remove-delay How long to wait before erasing the arrows that land in the ground. Integer 0
shoot-interval Time between arrows firing, in ticks. Integer 0
knockback-strength Strength of the knockback. Integer 0
damage Damage dealt by arrows. Double 4
y-offset Start height offset of the location. Double 3
gravity Whether to apply gravity to the arrows or not. Boolean true
critical Should the arrow have a critical effect? Boolean false
no-target Whether to require a target for the spell. Boolean false
power-affects-speed Whether power should affect the speed the arrows fly. Boolean false
power-affects-arrow-count Whether power should affect how many arrows get fired. Boolean true
resolve-options-per-arrow Since 4.0 Beta 13. Defines expression evaluation behaviour. Boolean false


    spell-class: ".targeted.VolleySpell"
    description: Send a volley of arrows to your targeted location.
    cast-item: blaze_rod
    cooldown: 45
    range: 30
    arrows: 10
    speed: 20
    spread: 150
    shoot-interval: 0
        - mana 20
        - arrow 2
    str-cost: 20 mana and 2 arrows
    str-cast-self: You fire a volley of magic arrows.
    str-cast-others: "%a fires a volley of arrows."
    str-no-target: No target found.
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