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Variable Modification

JasperLorelai edited this page May 19, 2024 · 9 revisions



  • These options are documented in base spell configuration.
  • type can be cast, casted, and target (modifies target's variables unless since 4.0 Beta 13 this format is used: caster:varName <varMod>).
  • The format:
    - varName1 <assignment>
    - varName2 <assignment>
    . . .

/ms variable modify

Format: /ms variable modify <variable> <player> <assignment>.

variable Modifier Action

For this example we'll use the always condition, which passes always because in this case, we don't need a condition.

# The following two are the same because the default variable owner is "caster".
    - always variable varName;<assignment>
    - always variable caster:varName;<assignment>

# This supports "target" variable owner. Note that target modifiers only work on targeted spells.
    - always variable target:varName;<assignment>
    - always variable caster:varName;<assignment>


The format for this is: <operator><expression> (e.g. =42, or +1 - add 1 to base value).

playerstring or globalstring variables:

  • expression can be text of any length you'd like if it's not a variable name. Supports the = assignment operator.


The rest of documentation about this section is only possible since 4.0 Beta 13.

  • expression may be a String Expression.
  • operator:
    • = - Set the variable to what expression is.
    • + - Append expression text to the variable's current value.
    • * - Set the variable to what the current value is then repeated as many times as the expression defines. Thus, the expression should evaluate into a number for this operation. If it's a plain string, the variable will be set to empty.

Other Variables:

  • expression may be a double value or a variable name.
  • operator can be:
    • = - Set base value to the expression following the operator.
    • + - Default operator if omitted. Add expression to the base value. Note that there is no - operator, but subtraction is possible because you can negate expressions, and addition is default behaviour - therefore subtraction.
    • * - Multiply base with the expression.
    • / - Divide base with the expression.
    • ^ - Exponentiation, where the expression is the exponent.
    • % - Modulo operator - returns the remainder after dividing base with the expression.
    • ? - A pseudorandom number generated from 0 (inclusive) to the expression value.
  • - can be used before the expression to negate it.


The rest of documentation about this section is only possible since 4.0 Beta 13.

  • expression may be a Function Expression.
  • If expression is a variable name it may be prepended with target: to refer to the target's variable value for assignment (e.g. +target:meta_current_health).
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