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Potion Effect Spell

JasperLorelai edited this page Mar 21, 2022 · 15 revisions

Potion Effect Spell

Source Code

Targeted spell that applies a potion effect to a target or the caster.


Option Description Default Value
type The type of potion to use. List of potion effects can be found here speed
duration How long, in ticks, to apply the potion effect for. 0
strength The level of potion to apply. This starts at 0, meaning strength: 0 will give a level 1 potion effect. strength: 1 will apply level 2, and so on. 0
hidden Makes the potion swirls invisible if turned on. false
ambient Makes the potion swirls more translucent if turned on. false
targeted If true, the spell will target another player. If false, the spell will be used on the caster. false
spell-power-affects-duration Whether spell power should affect the duration. true
spell-power-affects-strength Whether spell power should affect the potion strength. true


    spell-class: ".targeted.PotionEffectSpell"
    type: speed
    duration: 80
    strength: 1
    targeted: false
    ambient: false
    hidden: true
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