An -up to now- nameless robot based on the Robotics Operating System (ROS).
The aim of this robot is to provide...
ROS (Robotics Operating System) is an operating system, complied above Linux, whose main goal is to provide all the tools needed to build a Robotics project. As ROS projects use to have many interconnected parts, the OS provides features, such as topics, messages, publishers, and subscribers, to establish communication between these parts. Most of the documentation of the used libraries could be found in the ROS Wiki.
The main motivation for using ROS is the existance of the navigation library, which we will fully explain in the next section.
To get started, download your preferred distro of ROS from the official Wiki website.
This project uses the first version of ROS, so you shouldn't install ROS 2 as there could be many incompatibilities.
After installing ROS, we need to source different locations to control them simultaneously thorugh the shell:
$ source /opt/ros/<distro>/setup.bash
Where needs to be replaced with your distro short name (e.g. kinetic, melodic, noetic, etc).
The workspace is the folder in which all our projects and libraries would be located. ROS uses a custom build system, catkin, in where we will create our packages. By now, let's just create a catkin workspace:
$ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/
$ catkin_make
Inside the new catkin folder you will find the 'build', 'devel', and 'src' folders. Thus, you might source the 'devel' folder:
$ source devel/setup.bash
You might prefer to remember this last command by heart, since it usually works as a panacea. Make sure to run it before rosrunning or roslaunching any other command, especially if it's from an installed package.
A package is a collection of codes built to be runned through the shell. In order to create the first package, you should run:
$ catkin_create_pkg not_name_bot std_msgs rospy roscpp
Thus, you create the package not_name_bot
with dependences on std_msgs
(for custom variable types), rospy
(for using Python) and roscpp
(for using C++). After the package is created, you can build it with catkin_make
First of all, you should write:
$ roscore
This command is the core of all the ROS enviroment and you must keep this bash terminal open while the project is running. You might do this every time you start the ROS project.
A node represents and individual piece of code. In ROS, different nodes communicate to each other. This structure is very convenient to keep our project separated and organized. You can print all the active nodes with:
$ rosnode list
You will see that the only running node is /rosout
. This node is always running since the ROS enviroment is started. We can print info about it with:
$ rosnode info /rosout
The communication between nodes ocurrs through topics. Publishers can write data into a topic, whereas subscribers can read data from a topic. From the previous command, we learnt that /rosout
publishes data to the topic /rosout_agg
and is subscribed to the topic /rosout
. To print the info about a topic, write:
$ rostopic info /rosout_agg
This informs the type of message (msg), publishers and subscribers of this topic. If you want to print the data currently held by the topic, use:
$ rostopic echo /rosout_agg
With this command you can check the information published in a topic through the shell, thus, it might be convenient for debugging.
We can see nodes and topics in action by running a built-in example node. First, rosrun the node:
$ rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node
This command should open a new window with a little turtle in the center. If you run rosnode list
you will see the new node /turtlesim
in the list. You must not close the shell, otherwise the node will be killed. Then, open another terminal and rosrun the second node:
$ rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key
Thus, you can press the arrow keys while this shell is focused and let the turtle move around the other window.
In this example, the /turtle_teleop_key
node is publishing the pressed key information in the /turtle1/command_velocity
topic, whereas the /turtlesim_node
is subscribed and listens to each publication in the topic.
Note (optional)
You can install the rqt_graph package:$ sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-rqt $ sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-rqt-common-plugins
And then we can visually see the nodes and topics:
rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph
Raspberry Pi is a series of single-board computers chiefly for educational and recreational purpose. Raspberry Pi uses the Raspberry Pi OS, a distribution of Debian which is able run ROS on top. We will use a Raspberry Pi for hosting the ROS enviroment of the whole project.
We first begin the connection from your computer to the Raspberry Pi through ssh:
$ ssh [username]@[rpi-ip]
You need to install all the libraries and download all the files in the RaspberryPi in order to use it as the core of the robot.
Note (optional)
If you want to open a rviz window within the computer, you might first exportexport ROS_MASTER_URI=[rpi-ip]:[port]
The ROS master port is 11311 by default.
Arduino is the most known series of microcontrollers for Electronics and Robotics projetcs. In our project, we use an Arduino UNO to control the motors of the robot. To use an Arduino within a ROS enviroment, we need to establish a connection between the Arduino and the Raspberry Pi through serial port, using the USB port of the Raspberry Pi.
You can download the Arduino IDE from the official webpage.
Now let's install the rosserial libraries:
sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-rosserial-arduino
sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-rosserial
In this project, we use a differential wheeled robot.
First of all, we need to run the Arduino node connected through rosserial:
$ rosrun rosserial_arduino [your-serial-port]
Then, we can upload the Arduino code to the Arduino UNO using the Arduino IDE.
In case you are using an esp32, esp82 or similar, it's possible to establish a connection through WiFi. Firstly, launch the server:roslaunch server
Lidar, acronym Light Detection and Ranging or Laser Imaging, Detection and Ranging, is a rotatory sensor used in this project to map obstacles in a 2-dimensional surface. We use the library rplidar_ros
to establish the connection between the Raspberry Pi and the Lidar.
First, download and build the rplidar_ros
library from its GitHub repository.
To launch the Lidar node, write the code:
roslaunch rplidar_ros rplidar.launch
Now, you can write rviz
into the terminal to open the ROS Visualizer. Inside the rviz window, you click the button Add and select the By topic list. Then, click the topic of your Lidar, in our case, /scan
. Then, rviz most probably will give an error. To fix it, you should change the Fixed Frame variable inside Global Options from /map
to /laser
Hector Slam is a library which can interpret the Lidar reading and return instead a map of the enviroment. By using odometry techniques, it will compute the movement and rotation of the robot. You can install this library from its GitHub repository.
To launch the Hector Slam node, write:
roslaunch hector_slam_launch tutorial.launch
If you're running this from your RaspberryPi, then you would like to open the rviz and add the /map
topic to see the generated map. You can try to slightly move your robot and see the cursor moving in the visualizer.
You can generate a map by running the previous line and moving your robot slowly. The hector_slam
node publishes the generated map onto the /map
topic. When the map generation is ready, you should run
rosrun map_server map_saver -f my_map
This line will save the hitherto map on two files: my_map.yaml
(data file) and my_map.pgm
(image file).
Thus, if you write
rosrun map-server map-server my_map.yaml
the saved map will be continously served on the /map
In order to build a fully autonomous robot, we are going to use the built-in Navigation Stack from ROS. You can install it with
sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-navigation
Classically, different sensors, such as encoders or IMUs are used in order to get the robot's odometry (current position in the map). Nevertheless, in this project we provide a navigation built only upon Hector Slam.
Hector Slam publishes a transform map -> odom
which hypotetically would give the current robot's odometry. However, since map_server
is also publishing in /map
, we should not use this transformation.
Thus, we might use an undocumented feature, namely setting pub_odometry = true
, which in turn will make Hector Slam to publish robot's odometry in the topic /scanmatcher_odom
. In order to get the proper transform we refer to the
Thus, we are able to use the amcl
node with the map_server
publishing the map to estimate our current location on a pre-generated map.
With this estimated position, we are abble to run move_base
to create a plan for reaching the goal sent through rviz.
A launch file bigboy_config.launch
is given in order to be able to run all this commands simultaneously. To launch it, you can write
roslaunch [path]/bigboy_config.launch