An IDE-like configuration for Neovim — self-contained in a single file and written in 99.9% lua.
- Native LSP support with nvim-lspconfig, goto-preview, and nvim-lsp-installer
- Better syntax highlighting and text objects with nvim-treesitter
- Autocompletion with nvim-cmp
- Code snippets with luasnip and friendly-snippets
- Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP) integration with nvim-dap and nvim-dap-ui
- Package management with packer.nvim
- Live grep and various finder UIs with telescope.nvim
- Pretty diagnostic list with trouble.nvim
- Command palette with command_center.nvim
- Minimalistic statusline with lualine.nvim
- Fancy startup page with alpha.nvim
- Fancy tabline with bufferline.nvim
- Fancy notifications with nvim-notify
- Various terminal app integrations (lazygit, vtop, ipython, etc.) with toggleterm.nvim
- Code execution support with sniprun
- File tree with neo-tree.nvim
- File symbols outline with symbols-outline.nvim
- Fast navigation with leap.nvim
- Automatic session management with auto-session
- Cohesive colorscheme with catppuccin
- Keymap popup with which-key.nvim
- ...And much more, see
section ininit.lua
for a full list
Run the following command:
cd && git clone && nvim/
You may see some errors once Neovim starts up, just press ENTER
to ignore them. After all the packages install, quit neovim and reopen it. You may need to run :PackerSync
one more time to make sure everything got installed.
lionvim needs the following installed:
opens the command palette, which has many common commands available?
opens the keymap, displaying all available mappings. Press a key to see mappings available from that prefix, and pressF7
to open the verbose keymap which contains all mappings.jk
exits insert mode