This library provides access to the Wandbox REST API. Depends on Boost Asio, Boost Property Tree, and my HTTP library.
#include <wandbox/compile.hpp>
#include <wandbox/get_list.hpp>
#include <wandbox/get_permlink.hpp>
#include <wandbox/get_template.hpp>
#include <wandbox/session.hpp>
int main() {
// Create a Session
wandbox::Session context; = "gcc-head";
context.options = "-O3, -std=c++17";
// Compile Code
const std::string code =
"#include <iostream>\nint main(){std::cout << \"Hello, "
"World!\\n\";\nreturn 1;\n}";
auto result = wandbox::compile(context, code);
assert(result.program_stdout == "Hello, World!");
// Get List of Compilers
auto list = wandbox::get_list();
for (const auto& compiler : list) {
std::cout << compiler.display_name << '\n';
// Get permlink Session, Code, and Result
auto result2 = wandbox::get_permlink("GPKsvV34hXIPUzxt");
std::cout << result2.code << '\n';
// Get Code from Template Name
std::cout << wandbox::get_template("mono") << '\n';
return 0;
git clone
mkdir wandbox-lib/build && cd wandbox-lib/build
git submodule update --init --recursive # Pull in dependencies
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. # Generate Makefiles
make # Build library