Requires Python 3.7.1
Use the following steps to run
Create Python virtual environment python3 -m venv venv
Activate virtual environment . venv/bin/Activate
Install requirements by pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the following command to get all the use cases python
The above command will print results for all the insights given below, 1) Top 10 requested pages and the number of requests made for each 2) Percentage of successful requests (anything in the 200s and 300s range) 3) Percentage of unsuccessful requests (anything that is not in the 200s or 300s range) 4) Top 10 unsuccessful page requests 5) The top 10 hosts making the most requests, displaying the IP address and number of requests made. 6) For each of the top 10 hosts, show the top 5 pages requested and the number of requests for each
To get only one insight use the following command with option number python -o
For example, python -o 4 the above command will give result for 4th use case ie, 4) Top 10 unsuccessful page requests
Run Unit test cases,
pyhthon -m unittest
NOTE: Before writing the script, I performed an exploratory analysis on the log file using jupyter notebook to understand the logs. It can be viewed by running following commands,
pip install notebook
jupyter notebook exploratory_analysis.ipynb