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Alistair Duggin edited this page Sep 7, 2017 · 22 revisions



  • There are 9.4 million disabled people in England, accounting for 18 per cent of the population - Census 2011
  • There are 11 million disabled people in the UK
  • The prevalence rate of disability rises with age − around 1 in 20 children are disabled, compared to around 1 in 5 working age adults, and almost 1 in 2 people over state pension age - Office for Disability Issues updated Department for Work and Pensions estimates based on Family Resources survey 2009/10
  • There are about 770,000 children age under 16 in the UK with a disability, 6 per cent of the child population - Papworth Trust Disability Facts and Figures 2010
  • Conservative statistics indicate that at least 8.5% of the population has a disability that would affect internet use - WebAIM


  • There are nearly 12 million people of state pension age who, while they may not be legally considered disabled, could experience difficulties using technology caused by the effects of age-related capability change.
  • The number of people aged 60 or over is projected to rise by over 50 per cent in the next 25 years.

Digital inclusion

  • 4.2 million people aged 65+ have never used the internet.
  • 2.8 million people aged 75+ who have never used the internet

The study surveyed 4,004 disabled people aged over 15, in particular those with learning disabilities, multiple impairments, mobility issues, vision problems, and impaired hearing. It found that just 65% have internet access - significantly lower than the 88% figure for non-disabled internet users.

Disabled consumers’ ownership of communications services


  • There are 1.86 million people in the UK with sight loss - RNIB Sight Loss UK 2012 report
  • In the UK, there are almost 2 million people living with sight loss. Of these, around 360,000 are registered as blind or partially sighted. - NHS
  • 14% people aged 65+ have sight loss which affects their day to day living; this increases to 35% for those aged 75+ and 50% for 90+. This equates to just over 2 million people aged 65+


  • There are more than 11 million people in the UK with some form of hearing loss, or one in six of the population - Action on Hearing Loss
  • There are 9 million people in the UK recognised as Deaf or hard of hearing
  • More than 70% of over 70 year olds and 40% of over 50 years-old have some form of hearing loss.
  • Action on Hearing Loss reports estimates that around 6.7 million people in the UK could benefit from hearing aids


  • About 985,000 people in England have a learning disability (2 per cent of the population) - 2010: Key facts about disability

Learning disability

Within the UK, one in 50 people have a learning disability and 66% of people with a learning disability want to work. But from statistics we see evidence of a disability employment gap, more so with learning disabilities.

Only 17% of all adults with a learning disability in England are in paid work. (Emerson and Hatton 2008)

Only 47% of people aged 16 to 64 with any type of disability in Great Britain are in paid work. (ONS 2016a)


  • There are 577,000 people in the UK receive benefits as a result of having problems with mobility.
  • There are around 1.2 million wheelchair users in the UK, roughly 2 per cent of UK population

Mental Health

  • 1 in 4 British adults experience at least one diagnosable mental health problem in any one-year, and one in six experiences this at any given time - The Office for National Statistics Psychiatric Morbidity report 2001


  • 7 million adults in England have a reading age of less than an 11 year-old

Civil Service

  • Of those Civil Servants who declared their disability status, 8.9% were disabled - [Civil Service Statistics: 2015]
  • DWP have over 9000 members of staff with accessibility needs, which roughly 10% of all staff - ONS - Civil Service Statistics: 2015


  • 45.9 per cent of working age disabled people are economically inactive. This figure is 2.5 times higher than that of non-disabled people (17.8 per cent) - Annual population survey March 2012
  • Disabled adults are twice as likely to have no formal qualifications as non-disabled adults, 26 per cent and 12 per cent respectively - ONS measuring national wellbeing – education and skills 2012
  • 47 per cent of disabled people currently work compared to 77 per cent of non disabled people - Labour Force Survey 2010 Q4


"In 2017, almost 1 in 10 adults had never used the internet" "Of the 0.9 million adults who had last used the internet over 3 months ago, 0.5 million were disabled."


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