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VladFurman edited this page Oct 16, 2021 · 2 revisions

To add a custom duration, you need to extend the Label File you created for your custom Charms and then reference the duration in your Charm description.

There are three types of durations:

Simple Definitions ("Instant", "Indefinite")

Add a label definition like Charm.Duration.Indefinite=Indefinite, then reference it as <duration duration="Indefinite"/>.

Events ("Until story ends", "Until dawn")

Add a label definition like Charm.Event.HuntOver=the hunt is over, then reference it as <duration event="HuntOver"/>.

Amounts ("14 day's march", "1 year")

You need a number of labels for this one, to spell out your unit and your amount:


Then, reference the duration as <duration amount="Staminax10" unit="tick"/>

For more examples, see our main duration file.

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