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Setting your Preferences

Urs Reupke edited this page Sep 22, 2012 · 1 revision

How to get there

Tucked away in the menu Extras is an entry called Preferences. Clicking there unveils a dialog with various options to customize Anathema to your taste.

What is in there

The System Tab

This section allows you to

  • choose your prefered page size for character sheets, A4 or Letter.
  • set the time until a tooltip vanishes. This is useful when the Charm descriptions disappear before you are finished reading.
  • change the program's look, if you don't like the default.
  • change the language to something you understand better.
  • toggle whether a new PDF-document (e.g. a character sheet) should be opened right after you created it.
  • toggle whether the program should start in a maximized window.
The Equipment Tab

Here, you can enable the function that allows you to name and describe your characters' equipment.

The Character Tab

Here, you can change what gets on the character sheet, and what does not.

The Repository Tab

Use this section to tell Anathema where to store its files, or to change the setting back to the default.
If you change this after you have created stuff, you will no longer see it in the program!

When everything is set

Click OK to commit your changes. A dialog will kindly inform you that you need to restart Anathema to see the effects of any changes. You can do so now or at any later point.
Clicking Cancel instead resets all changes.

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