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Things to watch out for when translating Anathema

Urs Reupke edited this page Sep 8, 2012 · 1 revision

Some issues that came up while @fmneto was adding the Portuguese translation, documented for posterity:

  1. To get started, please read the Contributors' Quickstart
  2. Don't "translate" the version markers.
    Some of the properties reference the currently running version. Those are critical for the internal workings, and must never be translated.
  3. If something doesn't need translation, don't translate it.
    No need to create a file, no need to create a line. Anathema falls back to the English default text.
  4. The encoding is set.
    Java properties are set to use ISO-8859-1. If you need to add UTF-8 characters, escape them as \uXXXX, where XXXX is the UTF code. native2ascii can help you with this part.
  5. Add your language as a choice.
    Apart from adding the .properties, you'll need to add your language to the list of supported locales
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