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How to compile NSIS for POSIX systems

Urs Reupke edited this page Sep 7, 2012 · 1 revision

The binaries for NSIS are located here:

Most of the files are pulled from the windows install, but the makensis binary needs to be compiled for other platforms. I'm using symbolic links inside bin_mac, bin_linux, and bin_solaris to link the shared files in the bin_win folder, so we're only using the one copy of those.

Build Instructions:

  • Download the NSIS 2.46 source code here
  • Requires scons to be installed by whatever means you choose.
  • scons requires python to be installed to run, NSIS requires gcc and g++ to be installed to compile.
  • Compile makensis using this: scons SKIPSTUBS=all SKIPPLUGINS=all SKIPUTILS=all SKIPMISC=all NSIS_CONFIG_CONST_DATA_PATH=no PREFIX=. install-compiler

Once the makensis binary has been compiled, it needs to be added to Development_Distribution/Windows/Binaries/NSIS/bin_*osAbbreviationHere*


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