A Python Flask web application, using multithreaded queues to web scrape and return stock ticker information.
python -m venv .venv
For Windows, run the following command:
For Linux, run the following command:
source .venv/bin/activate
Remember to activate the virtual environment created above before running the Flask application.
Set the 'FLASK_APP' environment variable:
- For Windows:
set FLASK_APP=app
- For Unix:
export FLASK_APP=app
You need to start the Flask server locally to host the application:
- For Windows:
flask run
- For Unix:
make develop
Once running, copy the server to a web browser to access the application.
In the input form, a user can enter as many comma-seperated stock symbols as they would like, and press the "submit" button.
For example,
goog, msft, amzn, dis, amc, aapl, amd, rblx, nvda, f, fb, snap, aal, uber, znga
The user will then be redirected to a page containing a table displaying the appropriate ticker information.
The user may click the "go back" button to retrieve information for different stock symbols.