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Releases: apace100/origins-fabric

Origins 1.13.0-alpha.3 (Minecraft 1.20.4)

30 May 14:45
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  • [apoli#224] Renamed action/condition types related to entity sets.
  • [apoli] Powers that use the multiple power type can now be replaced entirely with loading_priority.


  • [apoli#192] Added show_toast entity action type.
  • [apoli#211] Added modify_fov power type.
  • [apoli#219] Added new item action/condition types related to item cooldowns:
    • modify_item_cooldown item action type.
    • item_cooldown item condition type.
    • relative_item_cooldown item condition type.
  • [apoli#226] Added entity_in_radius entity condition type.
  • [apoli#232] Added leash bi-entity action type.


  • [apoli] Fixed a potential issue with re-using serializable data of objects when serializing power/action/condition type factories.
  • [origins] Fixed badges of overridden powers not being replaced.

Origins 1.13.0-alpha.2 (Minecraft 1.20.4)

29 May 06:07
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  • [origins#750] Made Phantom's Phasing power re-enable itself upon respawning.
  • [origins#755] Unhardcoded some powers of certain origins.


  • [apoli#180] Added has_command_tag entity condition type.
  • [apoli#186] Added compatibility with Appleskin.
  • [apoli#229] Added click_phases and priority fields to the item_on_item power type.
  • [apoli#231] Added usage_phases field to the *_block_use power types, and made them functionally consistent with the *_entity_use power types.


  • [apoli] Fixed issues with powers that use the action_on_item_use power type not being triggered with the trigger "stop" or "during" if its priority value is less than 0.
  • [apoli] Fixed tamed entity condition type not working for certain entities.
  • [apoli] Fixed tame bi-entity action type not working for certain entities.

Origins 1.13.0-alpha.1 (Minecraft 1.20.4)

17 May 04:10
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Origins will now be published to Ladysnake's maven. Please read this guide if you want to use the alpha/beta, and future (and old) release builds as a dependency.


The identifier aliasing system in Apoli has been refactored and moved to Calio. Please read the migration guide for steps on migrating, and for more information on the change.

[O] marks the changes in Origins, [A] marks the changes in the underlying Apoli version, and [C] marks the changes in the underlying Calio version.


  • [O][A][C] Updated to Minecraft 1.20.4
  • [A] Refactored and moved the identifier aliasing system to Calio.

Origins 1.12.10 (Minecraft 1.20.2)

29 Apr 21:06
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[A] marks the changes in the underlying Apoli version, while [C] marks the changes in the underlying Calio version.


  • [A] Reverted supposed fix for issue with negating modified damage.
  • [A] Made the entity_set power type validate its entries upon the holder of the power being loaded.


  • [C] Fixed argument type data types not properly printing its error in the output log.
  • [A] Fixed power HUD renders not rendering properly.
  • [A] Fixed automatic removal of entities in powers that use the entity_set power type.
  • [A] Fixed potential infinite recursion when granting powers.


Make sure to check out Apoli's and Calio's changelog for more information about this release:

Origins 1.12.9 (Minecraft 1.20.2)

25 Apr 11:36
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[O] marks the changes in Origins, while [A] marks the changes in its underlying Apoli version.


  • [O] Fixed automatically-generated badges of powers not being overridden with an empty badges field.
  • [O] Fixed origins not supporting * in identifiers.
  • [A] Fixed status_bar_texture power type not rendering regioned sprites (e.g: the "fill" portion of the experience bar) properly.
  • [A] Fixed entity_set power type executing the action_on_remove bi-entity action on discarded entities that weren't in the entity set and regardless of whether the power's condition is fulfilled.
  • [A] Fixed /power list ... <subpowers> sub-command not being accounted when specified.
  • [A] Fixed powers being removed not actually being removed from the entity, resulting in powers with empty sources.
  • [A] Fixed power addition callbacks not working reliably in certain cases (e.g: setting the value of a resource upon gaining a power, which was previously dependent on order of when the power is registered and/or granted.)
  • [A] Fixed modify_attribute power type applying vanilla modifiers twice.
  • [A] Fixed game_event_listener power type triggering advancements that use the minecraft:avoid_vibration criterion (this wasn't the case before.)
  • [A] Fixed crash caused by power types related to preventing interaction with entities.
  • [A] Fixed modify_jump power type still applying sprint-jump effects (e.g: extra horizontal velocity, exhaustion) even though the jump velocity is negated.
  • [A] Fixed oversight with syncing the power registry.
  • [A] Fixed power HUD renders not being offset properly in cases such as mounting a living entity, or being submerged underwater.
  • [A] Fixed crash that could be caused by action_on_block_break power type and block action types that may utilize directions.

Full changelog: v1.12.8...v1.12.9

Apoli changelog: v2.11.10

Origins 1.12.8 (Minecraft 1.20.2)

13 Apr 04:29
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[O] marks the changes in Origins, while [A] and [C] marks the changes in its underlying Apoli and Calio version respectively.


  • [O] Changed Elytrian's Brittle Bones power to check for a new damage type tag: origins:kinetic.
  • [A] Slightly changed the implementation of the invisibility power type to be more optimized and compatible with other mods.


  • [A] Fixed overlay power type rendering over screens.
  • [A] Fixed model_color power type not respecting invisibility.
  • [C] Worked around issue with the SerializableDataTypes.DIMENSION data type throwing a false error on world creation if a vanilla dimension is specified (fixes the modify_player_spawn power type.)

Origins 1.12.7 (Minecraft 1.20.2)

01 Apr 23:42
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[O] marks the changes in Origins, while [A] marks the changes in its underlying Apoli version.


  • [O](#728) Changed Feline's Acrobatics power to check for the minecraft:is_fall damage type tag.
  • [O] Changed Enderian's Scared of Gourds power to use item tags;
    • origins:pumpkin_like/food, for preventing consumption of pumpkin-like food items (e.g: pumpkin pie.)
    • origins:pumpkin_like/equipment, for hiding entities wearing pumpkin-like equipment items (e.g: carved pumpkin.)


  • [O](#741) Fixed badges of sub-powers being offset (in the -Y axis) at the wrong time.
  • [O] Fixed tooltip for Enderian's Scared of Gourds power not using the appropriate translation key.
  • [O] Fixed Enderian's Scared of Gourds power hiding the Enderian in its own POV when wearing a pumpkin-like equipment item.
  • [A] Fixed issue with sub-powers being disabled when overridden (via loading priority) in a multiple power.

Origins 1.12.6 (Minecraft 1.20.2)

01 Apr 08:46
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  • Fixed badges of sub-powers from multiple powers not being hidden if the multiple power has defined badges.

Origins 1.12.5 (Minecraft 1.20.2)

31 Mar 09:50
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[O] marks the changes in Origins, while [A] and [C] marks the changes in its underlying Apoli and Calio versions respectively.


  • [A] Tweaked mod compatibility of certain power types.
  • [A] Made power names/descriptions translatable by default.
  • [A] Improved searching logic of legacy damage sources.
  • [A] Added missing translation keys for Apoli's config.
  • [C] Made registry key data types validate.
  • [C] Made tag data types validate.
  • [C] Made tag-like data types validate.


  • [O] Fixed origin layers ignoring its specified title.
  • [O] Fixed issue with badge tooltips and multiple powers; the badge tooltips that corresponds to its sub-powers are now rendered properly.
  • [A] Fixed issue when preventing modified damage that deals 0 or less damage to entities.
  • [A] Fixed issues with game_event_listener power type.
  • [A] Fixed modify_attribute power type not modifying modded attributes (for real this time.)
  • [A] Fixed *_item_pickup power type not working for non-player entities.
  • [A] Fixed exposed_to_sun entity condition type not working properly.
  • [A] Fixed light_level block condition type not account for the world's ambient darkness if light_type not specified.
  • [A] Fixed name damage condition type not properly accounting for legacy damage sources.
  • [A] Fixed desync issue when dismounting from a player.
  • [A] Fixed contents of inventory power type not being synced to the client in certain cases.
  • [A] Fixed item action types not properly resetting its item stack if it's empty.
  • [A] Fixed faulty logic in the damage entity/bi-entity action types.
  • [A] Fixed unreliable behavior of action_on_callback power type in certain cases.
  • [A] Fixed entity_set power type keeping UUIDs of entities that have been discarded.
  • [A] Fixed *_hit power types not working on certain vanilla entities.


Make sure to check Calio, and Apoli's changelog as well for more details on the changes.

Origins 1.12.4 (Minecraft 1.20.2)

07 Feb 15:08
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[O] marks the changes in Origins while [A] marks the changes in the underlying Apoli version.


  • [A] Simplified implementation of modify_food power type for making items always edible.
  • [A] Simplified implementation of modify_grindstone power type.
  • [A] Added support for * (current namespace/path) in REGEX_MAP data type (used by the replace_loot_table power type.)


  • [A] Fixed condition logic in replace_loot_table power type.
  • [A] Fixed edible_item power type not working on items usable on blocks.
  • [A] Fixed exposed_to_sky and brightness entity condition types not accounting for the world's ambient darkness (in most cases.)
  • [A] Fixed modify_enchantment_level power type not working on empty item stacks (in some cases.)
  • [O] Fixed origin entity condition type crashing the game by specifying an origin layer that doesn't exist.

Apoli changelog: v2.11.5

Origins full changelog: v1.12.3...v1.12.4