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Release Notes 0.9.7

greg-dove edited this page May 13, 2020 · 2 revisions

This document contains useful information for the release that was discovered after the RELEASE_NOTES file was finalized and packaged in the release.

Issues noted after release:

  1. Building the examples with maven in the 0.9.7 release has an issue that needs correction in TourDeJewel module (pom.xml). To fix this you should manually make the following changes:
In the file:
i.   Change any references to '0.9.7-SNAPSHOT' to '0.9.7' (i.e. remove '-SNAPSHOT')
ii.  Save the changes in the pom.xml file
iii. You should now be able to build this example module (or all examples) with maven, using the -Pwith-examples profile
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