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Using as3mxml Language Server With Vim

yishayw edited this page Jan 2, 2020 · 1 revision

Here's how I got it to work (windows):

  1. Clone vscode-as3mxml
  2. Build
  3. Install Language Client
  4. Add this to vimrc.

Make sure to replace C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs\ with your ROYALE_HOME, and C:\dev\vscode-as3mxml\ with where you cloned vscode-as3mxm in step (1).

  1. open Vim
  2. cd to project location (where asconfig.json exists)
  3. Open an a3/mxml file and wait for language server to load

It should work now. With the given vimrc you can do K for hover info, gd for go to declaration, f2 to rename, f12 to find all references, and f11 to show document outline.

This reflects my personal choices. You can explore other language clients for Vim, and install the binary version of vscode-as3mxml rather than building from source, but I haven't tried that.

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