Save Pitch and Tempo Adjustments
Create seamless loops with start and end points
Edit mp3/flac metadata
Import downloads
Export playlists
Support for most audio and video formats
Customizable with themes
On-demand voice feedback
Support for translations
git clone https://github.com/apeitheo/aletheia.git
cd aletheia
sudo ./install
sudo ./uninstall
- Debian/Ubuntu Package
sudo apt update
sudo ./create_deb
sudo apt install ./aletheia_0.9.6-"$(awk -F= '/^REVISION=/ {print $2}' <create_deb)"_all.deb
- Fedora Package
sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install rpm-build
sudo ./create_rpm
sudo dnf install ./aletheia-0.9.6-"$(awk -F= '/^REVISION=/ {print $2}' <create_rpm)".fc"$(sed -n "/^VERSION_ID=/p" /etc/os-release | cut -d'=' -f2)".noarch.rpm
- openSUSE Package
sudo zypper refresh
sudo zypper install rpm-build
sudo ./create_rpm
sudo zypper install ./aletheia-0.9.6-"$(awk -F= '/^REVISION=/ {print $2}' <create_rpm)".noarch.rpm
- Slackware Package
./create_archive && sudo ./aletheia.SlackBuild
sudo installpkg /tmp/aletheia-0.9.6-noarch-"$(awk -F'[-}]' '/^BUILD=/ {print $2}' aletheia.SlackBuild)"_SBo.tgz
- bash
- bc
- calc
- espeak-ng
- exiftool
- ffmpeg
- ffprobe
- mplayer
- pactl
- sox
- sqlite3
- vim
- eyeD3 (Edit mp3 tags)
- flac (Edit flac tags)
- gtts-cli (Natural voice feedback)
- parallel (Parallel metadata caching)
- rpm-build (Needed for building package)
- ffmpeg (RPMFusion)
- mplayer (RPMFusion)
- rpm-build (Needed for building package)
- ffmpeg (Packman)
- mplayer (Packman)
- calc
- exiftool
- sqlite3
- eyeD3 (optional)
pip install gtts
The 'i' key toggles the main menu.
To view the full list of key controls, select the Help option in the menu, or by press the '?' key at any time for function-specific controls.
In the same style as VIM, use the 'k' and 'j' keys to raise or lower pitch and tempo. 'o' and 'm' keys increase or decrease precision in pitch adjustments by double or half. To seek backward and foreward you use 'h' and 'l'. Next song is 'n' and previous song 'b'. To pause, press 'p' or space. Escape key or 'q' to return to a previous screen or quit. Sometimes it's necessary to refresh the screen, which can be done at any time with 'z'. Set the equalizer with 'a'. Sort is 'A' and shuffle is 'R'. Rename is 'r' and delete is Ctrl-D, with an archive option of 'D'. Mute is 'c'. On the left, '1' and '2' lower or raise PCM volume, and on the right '8' and '9' lower and raise master volume. '\' restarts the song. ';' opens the queue. 'g' opens a VIM template to edit the mp3 or flac metadata. 's' allows you to enter keywords to search for in the current playlist.
If you want to create a loop, wait until you've reached the beginning of the section in the song, hit the '5' key to indicate starting position, wait until the section is over, and hit '7' to indicate ending position. '6' opens the loop editor where you can finely adjust start and end points using 's' and 'g' or 'h' and 'l'.
Toggle with '<' and enable full-screen video with '>'.
You can toggle voice feedback and read aloud any key control page by pressing 'd'. The Setup screen has an option to toggle between digital and natural voice feedback if gTTS is installed.
For detailed information, refer to the man page, which can be accessed by pressing the 'm' key on the Help screen.
Add or change the following in ~/.aletheia/config
To install somewhere other than /usr/local when using ./install:
./install --destdir /path/to/directory/
Or use the DESTDIR environment variable:
DESTDIR=/path/to/directory/ ./install
- /usr/local/bin/aletheia
- /usr/local/bin/aletheia_desktop_launcher
- /usr/local/share/man/man1/aletheia.1
- /usr/local/share/applications/aletheia.desktop
- /usr/local/share/icons/aletheia.png
- /usr/local/share/aletheia/example.config
- /usr/local/share/aletheia/example.translation
- /usr/local/share/aletheia/example.translation.help
- /usr/local/share/aletheia/languages/*
- /usr/local/share/aletheia/themes/*
- /usr/local/share/aletheia/vimrc/*
- /usr/bin/aletheia
- /usr/bin/aletheia_desktop_launcher
- /usr/share/man/man1/aletheia.1.gz
- /usr/share/applications/aletheia.desktop
- /usr/share/icons/aletheia.png
- /usr/share/aletheia/example.config
- /usr/share/aletheia/example.translation
- /usr/share/aletheia/example.translation.help
- /usr/share/aletheia/languages/*
- /usr/share/aletheia/themes/*
- /usr/share/aletheia/vimrc/*
- /usr/bin/aletheia
- /usr/bin/aletheia_desktop_launcher
- /usr/man/man1/aletheia.1.gz
- /usr/share/applications/aletheia.desktop
- /usr/share/icons/aletheia.png
- /usr/share/aletheia/example.config
- /usr/share/aletheia/example.translation
- /usr/share/aletheia/example.translation.help
- /usr/share/aletheia/languages/*
- /usr/share/aletheia/themes/*
- /usr/share/aletheia/vimrc/*
I am seeking native speakers to translate Aletheia into their local language. Submit a translation using the provided example.translation and example.translation.help templates. Refer to the German translation in ./languages/de for an example.