Analysing human voice to predict their age, gender and accent
To setup the environment and get the code running, follow the steps below.
Major Frameworks and Libraries that this project is built using.
Jupyter Notebook
List item
This is a list of things you need to use the software, and how to install them.
Visit their official site and download the package for your OS.
Install it.
Visit Anacondas official site and follow the installation process.
To verify that conda has been install, Run ->
conda --version
Librosa and ffmeg
Run ->
conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg
conda install librosa
pip install glob
pip install sklearn
pip install csv
pip install python_speech_features
Inside terminal navigate to the location of the code. Now run the command ->
jupyter notebook
For training data extraction purpose, use the file ‘voice.ipynb’
For looking at the data in form of graphs use file ‘voice-process.ipynb’
For training and testing the model use the file ‘voice-pred.ipynb’
Make sure to run the import part of the code first.
Now you can jump to the part of the code that u want to train.