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Downloading and compiling

Ashish Gehani edited this page Jun 25, 2021 · 5 revisions

After fulfilling the necessary requirements for your system, the following steps are performed to download and compile SPADE.

Linux and macOS

First, use the following command to download SPADE. Ensure that you use the revision number specified in the command as the latest version of the source code may not be stable:

git clone

This will create a SPADE directory and download all the necessary files in it.

To compile the SPADE code, navigate to this newly created directory and configure the package before executing the make command as follows:



Enter the Cygwin terminal and use the following command to download the SPADE source files:

git clone

This will create a SPADE directory and download all the necessary files in it. For the source files to compile, Cygwin must find the javac Java compiler in the PATH variable. To add javac to PATH, execute the following inside the Cygwin terminal replacing c/Program\ Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_09 with the path to your JDK installation:

export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_09/bin

Please also ensure that any spaces in the path are escaped with a backslash as in the example above. Finally, execute the following commands to navigate to the newly-created SPADE directory and compile the package:

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