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Ben Christel edited this page Oct 16, 2023 · 8 revisions

As developers, we're not paid for what we do. We're paid for what we know how to do. Our limitation is how much we can know. You can tell, because we don't sit there typing all day, and most of what we type, we delete.

JessicaKerr (

Compare this quote from the page on TestDrivenDevelopment: "Code is a hypothesis about how to solve a problem". That is, it's a record of what we've learned so far about how to solve that problem.

Software development is an exercise in learning.

DaveFarley (

If we set things up to maximize learning instead of production, the value produced goes way way up.

KentBeck (

Software is what we learned along the way.

Jim Nielsen

Figuring out what to do

Framing software development as "learning" is perhaps too vague. A better framing might be that the hard part of software development is figuring out what the right thing to do is. This might involve learning about technologies, or about the domain. It might involve trying different approaches. It might involve lying in a hammock and pondering what's actually important to the system we're building.

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