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Ben Christel edited this page Feb 5, 2023 · 2 revisions

There are 5 ways to respond to a problem:

  1. deny that it exists.
  2. deny that it's a problem.
  3. stoically accept it.
  4. apply pseudoscientific "solutions" that don't do anything.
  5. actually fix the problem.

Actually fixing the problem is hard. You have to get over the hurdles that make each of the preceding options more tempting.

  • You need to be aware that the problem exists.
  • You need to come to terms with the fact that it's a problem, which may be emotionally difficult.
  • You need to get over the inertia that says "it's not worth it to you to fix this".
  • You need to accept that there is likely no instruction manual that you can blindly trust to solve your specific problem. You need to fend off the salespeople who will tell you that there is one and you can buy it from them.
  • You need the understanding, expertise, and skill to actually fix the problem.
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