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Ben Christel edited this page Jun 3, 2022 · 1 revision

When a nontechnical person's computer does something they don't expect and don't like, here are the people they tend to blame (likeliest suspects first):

  • Hackers
  • Ghosts or demons
  • Their family members
  • The hardware manufacturer
  • The OS vendor
  • The ISP
  • Themselves

This is pretty compelling evidence that people don't know how computers work.

The actual likeliest suspect, is, of course, the user, followed by the programmers of the application they're using. Arguably, the user should never be blamed for things going wrong; software that leads the user astray or doesn't give them an obvious way to undo mistakes is just badly designed software. So that leaves programmers (and perhaps UX designers) as the people who should almost always be blamed for problems, but almost never are.

So the next time something goes wrong... blame a programmer.

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