My Vim files.
You'll need Homebrew, Git, and Node set-up. The install guides linked above should be pretty self-explanatory, and you can use Homebrew to install your dependencies. And when you install Xcode (from the App Store), you'll need to accept their terms from the terminal using
$ sudo xcodebuild -license
First, install JetBrainsMono Nerd Font. It's a nice font that supports Powerline characters.
$ brew bundle
$ rbenv install
$ npm install -g jsxhint eslint
Then the easy part:
$ mkdir ~/.vim
$ ruby install.rb
$ mkdir autoload
$ vim +PlugInstall
$ vim +PlugInstall
If Vim crashes due to Python errors, make sure you have Python installed before compiling YouCompleteMe or installing Homebrew Vim. MacOS ships with Python, but this could also be due to pyenv madness.
rbenv and nodenv madness exist as well. Proceed with caution.
If you're trying to do a clean reinstall of vim + plugins, be sure to wipe out
the plugged
If you care, you can make sure Git uses the right Vim for editing commit messages.
$ git config --global core.editor "vim"
For Java we use Eclipse. You should install it using Homebrew Cask. Then go to "Help > Install New Software..." and enter in the URL "". Check the options you'd like and then you're good to go! Also make sure to change the Eclipse editor keys to use the Vim configuration.
You can also install the Eclipse Color Plugin ("") for theming.
For .NET and other Windows-y languages, we use Visual Studio or Rider.
Community should do the trick but if you need Pro or Ultimate you'll need to contact your school, work, etc. If you need Visual Studio to build but don't actually want to use it, you can use the Visual Studio Build Tools.
Here are some extensions you might want to install:
You also probably want ReSharper.
Rider has everything you want built-in already! And you're probably already syncing your extensions to your JetBrains account. Huzzah!
Since we try to stay consistent between editors, our theme of choice is Tomorrow by Chris Kempson. It's available for Vim, Eclipse, Visual Studio, and a lot of other editors you might use.
See LICENSE for details.