I like to maintain a cheatsheet of git commands which I frequently use. The repo contains the most used commands and a small info about them which will improve your productivity and save precious hours by randomly going through stackoverflow questions.
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This repository is contribution friendly😃. If you would like to improve or add some useful commands, your contribution is welcome!
- Awesome place to learn git
- Basic Terminologies
- Baisc Flow
- Git Branch
- Git Stash
- Miscellaneous
- Delete Branch
- Open Source Contribution
- GitHub Learning Lab
- Git Started with GitHub
- Version Control with Git
- Atlassian Git Tutorial
- Lean Git Branching
- git: Git is a distributed version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development.
- git clone: To download an existing git repository on your local machine.
- git fetch: It only downloads the new data from remote repository and does not integrate that data into working files.
- git pull: It downloads the new data as well as merges it into the existing files.
Adding git to a folder(Execute inside the project folder)
git init
Adding and commiting project files
git add .
git commit -m "commit message"
Create a README.md file
Create a remote repository on Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket(Do not create README.md file here)
Linking your local repository to your remote repository
git remote add origin $URL_TO_YOUR_REMOTE_REPOSITORY
Pushing local files to remote repository
git push origin master
To fetch any changes made on remote repository to local repository
git pull origin master
Get list of branches on local
git branch -a
Get list of branches on remote
git branch -r
Create a branch
git checkout -b $BRANCH_NAME
git push origin $BRANCH_NAME
Get list of only local branches
git branch -vv | cut -c 3- | awk '$3 !~/\[/ { print $1 }'
Display commit logs
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all
Rename a local branch
i. Renaming the current branch:
git branch -m $NEW_BRANCH_NAME
ii. Renaming some other branch:
Rename a remote branch
i. First complete the above two steps.
ii. Delete the old-name branch and push the new-name local branch:
iii. Reset the upstream branch for new-name local branch
git push origin -u $NEW_BRANCH_NAME
Delete a local branch
git branch -d $BRANCH_NAME
git branch -D $BRANCH_NAME
-d stands for --delete, which will delete the local branch, only if you have already pushed and merged it with your remote branches.
-D stands for --delete --force, which deletes the branch regardless of its push and merge status.
Saving uncommited changes(both staged and unstaged) and making the working branch clean
git stash
Saving with a message
git stash save $MESSAGE
Checkout all the stash in your project
git stash list
Pasting the stash changes and remove it from list
git stash pop
Apply ths stash changes and also keep them in the list
git stash apply
Creating a branch from stash
git stash branch $BRANCH_NAME
Delete all your stash from the project
git stash clear
Remove a particular stash from the list
git stash drop $STASH_ID
Discarding unstaged changes
git checkout -- .
Checkout conflict files
git diff --name-status --diff-filter=U
Delete Local Branch
git branch -d $BRANCH_NAME
Delete Global Branch
git push origin --delete $BRANCH_NAME
Fork the desired repository and clone that fork repo to your local machine.
Fetching changes from main repository and merging them into your local copy.
i.git remote add upstream $URL_TO_YOUR_ORIGIN_REPOSITORY
ii.git fetch upstream
iii.git merge upstream/master
iv. Now push these change to your remote repository
git push