This is a quiz app, where teachers can create quiz and students take quiz,
it has 2 roles:
- is_admin
- is_teacher
to run the application you should use xamp or mamp
- create a database, and name the database (quiz1)
- import the quiz1.sql to create the table, in phpmyadmin, or any other software to create the required tables
- ---> the code files must be inside a folder called (mvc) <--- otherwise the code will not run properily, links will be broken
- or you can change the mvc inside the codes to any name you want (12/5/2023)
- mvc is used in (config\router.php) in getRoute() function, and in (view\layout\footer.php),(view\layout\navbar.php),(view\admin\user.php)
- or you can change the mvc inside the codes to any name you want (12/5/2023)
To access admin view, the account should be admin, the is_admin column in the database, should be 1