- Compile LiveScript + Pug + SASS + React into JavaScript and CSS bundles
- Describe the styles, logic and layout of your app in one file (component style)
- Use benefits of indented languages
- Build React DOM in functional style
- Use fast compiler
We can pay for improvements when we accept your pull requests
We are hiring - please contract a.stegno@gmail.com
Join to collaborate https://ide.c9.io/askucher/lsxc
npm i lsxc -g
#next modules we use for demo:
npm i react react-dom mobx mobx-react --save
require! {
\mobx-react : { observer }
\mobx : { observable }
\react-dom : { render }
color: red
padding-left: 5px
color: orange
btn = ({click, text})->
a.pug.btn(target='blank' on-click=click) #{text}
input = ({store})->
handle-enter-click = (event) ->
return if event.key-code isnt 13
store.todos.push text: event.target.value
event.target.value = ''
Main = observer ({store})->
remove = (todo, _)-->
index = store.todos.index-of todo
return if index < 0
store.todos.splice 1, index
h3.pug Tasks
for todo in store.todos
span.pug #{todo.text}
btn {text: 'Remove', click: remove todo}
input {store}
window.onload = ->
store = observable do
* text: 'Do dishes'
render do
lsxc -skhbc file.ls
To see all available options for lsxc
run next command:
lsxc --help
let lsxc = require('lsxc');
let opts = {
file: "filename",
target: "resultname",
bundle: "bundle",
html: "index"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-us">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>The Perfect App</title>
lscx -h -t ./template.html