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Brandon Blanker Lim-it edited this page Sep 27, 2021 · 2 revisions
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The Slab API offers functions that track the performance of desired sections of code. With these functions coupled together with the debug performance window, end-users will be able to see bottlenecks located within their code base quickly. To display the performance window, call the SlabDebug.Performance function.


Below is a list of functions associated with the Stats API.


Starts the timer for the specific stat in the given category.

Parameter Type Description
Name String The name of the stat to capture.
Category String The category this stat belongs to.
Return Description
Number The handle identifying this stat capture.


Ends the timer for the stat assigned to the given handle.

Parameter Type Description
Number The handle identifying a BeginStat call.


Sets the enabled state of the stats system. The system is disabled by default.

Parameter Type Description
Enable Boolean The new state of the states system.


Query whether the stats system is enabled or disabled.

Return Description
Boolean Returns whether the stats system is enabled or disabled.


Resets the stats system to an empty state.


Get the of the Slab. Stats.SetEnabled(true) must be previously set to enable this. Must be called in love.draw (recommended at the end of draw)

Return Description
Table Returns a table similar to of Slabs stats.


Calculate the passed table of love by subtracting the stats of Slab. Stats.SetEnabled(true) must be previously set to enable this. Must be called in love.draw (recommended at the end of draw). For code example, check issue #91

Parameter Type Description
LoveStats Table table of
Return Description
Table Returns a modified LoveStats table (subtracted the stats used by Slab).
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