ctf lab will be updating this week ctflab is a tool for using peoples writeup and text for hacking and ctf competetions.different way may solve problems better and even people use completely different far way they can connect their different ways on this people on this people and use this apps for connect people with different for solve problems on ctf and others and even peoplews have more different ideas and ways with this app can connect to each other and use it for get money with using their way and get money from using different ideas and ways with solving ctf problems and even if have more different ways con coonect more on this app.this app is still beta and imporved for using offline and online zips for connect ctfs..... -----------------documentation for this version--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ctflab use ctf writeups for solve ctfs problems and hacking download zip file from here https://mega.nz/file/yuIgmY7A#3YNzXFMQ4B5Ablb8oZmI6G2r7FYjB1FvGJHOCrgcMUw type #openfile and confirm you want execute #openfile with click yes and select zip file
that you downloaded before now you see text from android.txt inside android.zip that is writeup for windows
and google ctf 2020 android problem @google-ctf (i will add other ctf problems and competetions and linux version soon)
now on end of line if you see #run it means with click on it you can run command without download or install apktool and jadx-gui
and just with using this writeup.
also when type apktool you can get related command on autocomplete and use it during ctf
this tool is on beta mode run it with python(3) ctflab.py .
on windows use this exe file(linux executeable one file will be added soon or you can make it with
still only have #googlectf @googlectf but on next update add more writeu ups with different way