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Dash Core version

Release is now available from:

This is a new major version release, bringing new features, various bugfixes and other improvements.

Please report bugs using the issue tracker at github:

Upgrading and downgrading

How to Upgrade

If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the installer (on Windows) or just copy over /Applications/Dash-Qt (on Mac) or dashd/dash-qt (on Linux). If you upgrade after DIP0003 activation and you were using version < 0.13 you will have to reindex (start with -reindex-chainstate or -reindex) to make sure your wallet has all the new data synced. Upgrading from version 0.13 should not require any additional actions.

Downgrade warning

Downgrade to a version <

Downgrading to a version smaller than 0.13 is not supported anymore as DIP2/DIP3 has activated on mainnet and testnet.

Downgrade to versions -

Downgrading to 0.13 releases is fully supported until DIP0008 activation but is not recommended unless you have some serious issues with version 0.14.

Notable changes

DIP0004 - Coinbase Payload v2

Coinbase Payload v2 introduces new field merkleRootQuorums which represents the merkle root of all the hashes of the final quorum commitments of all active LLMQ sets. This allows SPV clients to verify active LLMQ sets and use this information to further verify ChainLocks and LLMQ-based InstantSend messages. Coinbase Payload v2 relies on DIP0008 (bit 4) activation.

DIP0008 - ChainLocks

This version introduces ChainLocks, a technology for near-instant confirmation of blocks and finding near-instant consensus on the longest valid/accepted chain. ChainLocks leverages LLMQ Signing Requests/Sessions to accomplish this. ChainLocks relies on DIP0008 (bit 4) activation and SPORK_19_CHAINLOCKS_ENABLED spork.

Read more:

DIP0010 - LLMQ-based InstantSend

InstantSend is a feature to allow instant confirmations of payments. It works by locking transaction inputs through masternode quorums. It has been present in Dash for a few years and been proven to work. Nevertheless, there are some limits which could theoretically be removed in the old system but doing so would have created risks in terms of scalability and security.

We introduce LLMQ-based InstantSend which is designed to be much more scalable without sacrificing security and which allows all transactions to be treated as InstantSend transactions. The old system differentiated transactions as InstantSend transactions by using the P2P message “ix” instead of “tx”. Since this distinction is not required in the new system, the P2P message “ix” will be removed after DIP0008 deployment (for now, transactions sent via "ix" message will be relayed further via "tx" message).

Read more:


Legacy messages mnw, mnwb, mnget, mnb, mnp, dseg, mnv, qdcommit and their corresponding inventory types (7, 10, 14, 15, 19, 22) are no longer suported.

Message version is extended with a 256 bit field - a challenge sent to a masternode. Masternode which received such a challenge must reply with new p2p message mnauth directly after verack. This mnauth message must include a signed challenge that was previously sent via version.


Due to changes in coinbase payload this version requires for miners to signal their readiness via BIP9-like mechanism - by setting bit 4 of the block version to 1. Note that if your mining software simply uses coinbase_payload field from getblocktemplate RPC and doesn't construct coinbase payload manually then there should be no changes to your mining software required. We however encourage pools and solo-miners to check their software compatibility on testnet to ensure flawless migration.


The wallet will try to create and consume denoms a bit more accurately now. It will also only create a limited number of inputs for each denominated amount to prevent bloating itself with mostly the smallest denoms. You can control this number of inputs via new -privatesenddenoms cmd-line option (default is 300).


Legacy InstantSend is going to be superseded by the newly implemented LLMQ-based one once DIP0008 (bit 4) is active and SPORK_20_INSTANTSEND_LLMQ_BASED spork is ON.


There are two new sporks introduced in this version - SPORK_19_CHAINLOCKS_ENABLED and SPORK_20_INSTANTSEND_LLMQ_BASED. SPORK_17_QUORUM_DKG_ENABLED was introduced in v0.13 but was kept OFF. It will be turned on once 80% masternodes are upgraded to v0.14 which will enable DKG and DKG-based PoSe.

QR codes

Wallet can now show QR codes for addresses in the address book, receiving addresses and addresses identified in transactions list (right click -> "Show QR-code").

RPC changes

There are a few changes in existing RPC interfaces in this release:

  • for blockchain based RPC commands instantlock will say true if the transaction was locked via LLMQ based ChainLocks (for backwards compatibility reasons)
  • prioritisetransaction no longer allows adjusting priority
  • getgovernanceinfo no longer has masternodewatchdogmaxseconds and sentinelpingmaxseconds fields
  • masternodelist no longer supports activeseconds, daemon, lastseen, protocol, keyid, rank and sentinel modes, new mode - pubkeyoperator
  • masternode count no longer has ps_compatible and qualify fields and ps and qualify modes
  • masternode winner and masternode current no longer have protocol, lastseen and activeseconds fields, new field - proTxHash
  • debug supports new categories: chainlocks, llmq, llmq-dkg, llmq-sigs
  • mnsync no longer has IsMasternodeListSynced and IsWinnersListSynced fields
  • various RPCs that had instantlock field have chainlock (excluding mempool RPCs) and instantlock_internal fields now

There are also new RPC commands:

  • bls fromsecret parses a BLS secret key and returns the secret/public key pair
  • quorum is a set of commands for quorums/LLMQs e.g. list to show active quorums (by default, can specify different count) or info to shows detailed information about some specific quorum etc., see help quorum

Few RPC commands are no longer supported: estimatepriority, estimatesmartpriority, gobject getvotes, masternode start-*, masternode genkey, masternode list-conf, masternode check, masternodebroadcast, sentinelping

See help command in rpc for more info.

ZMQ changes

Added two new messages hashchainlock and rawchainlock which return the hash of the chainlocked block or the raw block itself respectively.

Command-line options

Changes in existing cmd-line options:

  • -bip9params supports optional window and threshold values now

New cmd-line options:

  • -watchquorums
  • -privatesenddenoms
  • -dip3params (regtest-only)
  • -llmqchainlocks (devnet-only)

Few cmd-line options are no longer supported: -limitfreerelay, -relaypriority, -blockprioritysize, -sendfreetransactions, -mnconf, -mnconflock, -masternodeprivkey

See Help -> Command-line options in Qt wallet or dashd --help for more info.


A lot of refactoring, backports, code cleanups and other small fixes were done in this release. Change log

See detailed set of changes.

  • 612a90e8c Set CLIENT_VERSION_IS_RELEASE to true (#2926)
  • 9482f77e5 Update help text via (#2929)
  • 211a39d19 0.14 release notes draft (#2896)
  • 84162021a Fix duplicate -instantsendnotify invocation (#2925)
  • 38aab0c5e Add blocks conflicting with ChainLocks to block index (#2923)
  • 394bec483 Skip processing in SyncTransaction when chain is not synced yet (#2920)
  • c8a80b279 Set DIP0008 mainnet activation params (#2915)
  • 040abafe3 [0.14] Bump chainparams (#2910)
  • 240238b19 Fix db leaks in LLMQ db (#2914)
  • 56f31195d Fall back to ReadBlockFromDisk when blockTxs is not filled yet (#2908)
  • 4dc5c0e9e Bump "keepOldConnections" by one for all LLMQ types (#2909)
  • 7696a6fc8 Print inputs on which we voted and quorums used for signing (#2907)
  • a173e6836 Implement integration tests for DKG error handling (#2905)
  • 89f6f7591 Implement zmq notifications for chainlocked blocks (#2899)
  • 66a2cdeaf Properly handle conflicts between ChainLocks and InstantSend (#2904)
  • b63f7dd39 Fix a crash in masternode winners when count is too large (#2902)
  • 357b7279d Implement isolate_node/reconnect_isolated_node in tests (#2901)
  • 7fdc66dd8 Ask for locked TXs after removing conflicting TXs (#2898)
  • 5d05ab17a Fix PrivateSend log (#2892)
  • 53827a376 Remove code for QDEBUGSTATUS propagation (#2891)
  • 783cb9ca6 Skip CheckCbTxMerkleRoots until assumeValid block (#2890)
  • 4dee7c4a2 Cache heavy parts of CalcCbTxMerkleRoot* (#2885)
  • b3ed6410f Be more accurate with denom creation/consumption (#2853)
  • 3d993ee8f Translations v14 (#2638)
  • fbd244dde Bail out in few more places when blockchain is not synced yet (#2888)
  • fd6aaae7f Add proTxHash to masternode list rpc response (#2887)
  • dd3977523 More "bench" log for Dash specific parts (#2884)
  • 8ffdcbf99 A bunch of mostly trivial tweaks/fixes (#2889)
  • 195100161 New LLMQ-based IS should have no legacy IS strings in UI and no legacy restrictions (#2883)
  • 7f419ae7f Accept non-spent LLMQ IS locked outpoints from mempool in PS mixing (#2878)
  • 2652030a2 Use larger nPruneAfterSizeIn parameter for mapAlreadyAskedFor (#2882)
  • 03021fa53 Harden DIP3 activation (#2881)
  • dcdb9dba1 Add NotifyMasternodeListChanged signal to CClientUIInterface (#2880)
  • 19a9e2f4c Report instantlock: true for transactions locked via ChainLocks (#2877)
  • 5cfceab86 Refactor IS-lock GUI notification and implement a similar one for ChainLocks (#2875)
  • ed30db713 Ensure wallet is available and unlocked for some governance and evo RPCs (#2874)
  • 0c2fdf4da Refactor some Dash/mixing-specific wallet functions (#2850)
  • 22ae0bc21 Archive islock hashes when removing confirmed islocks (#2872)
  • b322b4828 Wait longer until re-requesting recovered sigs and ISLOCKs from other peers (#2871)
  • 2502aadd7 Fix infinite loop in CDBTransactionIterator::SkipDeletedAndOverwritten (#2870)
  • cd94cbe6f Track which TXs are not locked yet and use this info in ProcessPendingRetryLockTxs (#2869)
  • c4549aca2 Change quorum list behaviour to list active quorums by default (#2866)
  • cff9f9717 Prefix all bls/quorum threads with dash- (#2865)
  • 5e865f9c8 Bump mempool counter on each successful IS lock (#2864)
  • a67e66143 Don't disconnect peers on MNAUTH verification failure (#2868)
  • 1d8c7226d Fix race condition in (#2862)
  • 0c54e41f2 Retry locking of child TXs in batches instead of per locked parent (#2858)
  • fbe44761c Don't wake up select if it was already woken up (#2863)
  • 7fe1a4a78 Also invoke WriteInstantSendLockMined when IS lock comes after the mined block (#2861)
  • f32f9523b Use lazy BLS signatures more often and don't always verify self-recovered sigs (#2860)
  • 5e8ae2ceb Disable optimistic send in PushMessage by default (#2859)
  • 90b1b7196 Move processing of InstantSend locks into its own worker thread (#2857)
  • ae78360e5 Add cache to CQuorumManager::ScanQuorums (#2856)
  • 241f76f9b Collection of minor performance optimizations (#2855)
  • 82a47f543 Allow testing ChainLocks enforcement with spork19 == 1 (#2854)
  • e67618ac5 Clean up a few GUI related items (#2846)
  • 225c3898d Don't skip "safe TX" check when ChainLocks are not enforced yet (#2851)
  • 27b2cd2cc Skip required services and port checks when outgoing connections is a MN (#2847)
  • aeb4c60c8 Reimplement CMNAuth::NotifyMasternodeListChanged to work with new interface
  • fa90c0204 Also call NotifyMasternodeListChanged when MNs have been updated
  • db781b32d Pass oldList and diff instead of newList into NotifyMasternodeListChanged
  • b0260e970 Do not maintain CService in masternodeQuorumNodes
  • 60788ce32 Connect to most recently updated address in ThreadOpenMasternodeConnections
  • 93b1b3d73 Fix shadowing of "addr"
  • 5bebdda71 Add GetValidMNByService to CDeterministicMNList
  • 5d94d6bdf Remove unused CConnman::ForEachQuorumMember
  • 1ba8694cd Various fixes for RemoveInvalidVotes() (#2845)
  • b5bc7c9da Call HandleFullyConfirmedBlock when ChainLocks are enabled but not enforced (#2844)
  • 9fa09b974 CBLSWrapper::SetHexStr() should not accept non-hex strings (#2843)
  • 0f0d8eaf4 Add RPC for BLS secret to public key (#2841)
  • 6982d9854 Ignore cache files on reindex (#2840)
  • f8bedba7c Don't retry locks when new IS system is disabled (#2837)
  • 92feade81 Remove unused forward declaration (#2838)
  • 206e5a1b4 Use big endian inversed height in CInstantSendDb
  • 4b9f6cd3a Use big endian inversed height in BuildInversedHeightKey
  • 53656b3e8 Compare CDataStream internal vector with unsigned comparison
  • dd21d046f Avoid unnecessary calls to parentIt->GetKey
  • d34ec7866 Update wallet transactions when confirmed IS locks are removed
  • b897505f8 Remove the need for maintaining the last ChainLocked block in the DB
  • 8e7083cb8 Use db.RemoveConfirmedISLocks() in NotifyChainLock to remove confirmed locks
  • 4577438e8 Implement RemoveConfirmedInstantSendLocks to prune confirmed IS locks from DB
  • d6e775851 Keep track of when IS locks were mined
  • 0a6416e06 Wipe llmq db on reindex (#2835)
  • 4af5ea8a7 Remove netfulfilledman.h duplicate (#2834)
  • 208406df7 Re-introduce nInstantSendKeepLock check for LLMQ-based IS when spork19 is OFF (#2829)
  • 7d765a0fc Track best block to later know if a DB upgrade is needed
  • 1a25c2084 Apply suggestions from code review
  • 282cb697a Use version 2 CCbTx in create_coinbase to fix test failures
  • adc101a11 Implement quorum commitment merkle root tests in
  • 40ad06e77 Return the fresh quorum hash from mine_quorum
  • 17b9318a0 Mine SIGN_HEIGHT_OFFSET additional blocks after the quorum commitment
  • 5e832e2fa Implement support for CbTx version 2 (with quorum merkle root)
  • b1b41f02a Fix a crash in when inventory type is unknown
  • 44a3b9c90 Don't use pindex->GetBlockHash() in ProcessCommitment
  • f9dbe3ed5 Track in which block a quorum commitment was mined
  • ba459663b Add deletedQuorums and newQuorums to CSimplifiedMNListEntry
  • 8f7929bed Implement and enforce quorum commitment merkle roots in coinbases
  • 07620746a Implement GetMined(AndActive)CommitmentsUntilBlock and use it in ScanQuorums
  • d5250a333 Track at which height a quorum commitment was mined
  • 806948f90 Store the full commitment in CQuorum
  • b67f6a0dc Implement CDBTransactionIterator
  • 6d1599bc6 Change CDBTransaction to compare keys by their serialized form
  • 5482083eb Support passing CDataStream as key into CDBWrapper/CDBBatch/CDBIterator
  • c23dfaf57 Update qa/rpc-tests/
  • 9f2e5d085 Use FromHex to deserialize block header
  • 999848432 Implement integration tests
  • ade5760a9 Allow registering MNs without actually starting them
  • ef6b6a1e6 Implement support for GETMNLISTD and MNLISTDIFF P2P message in
  • 585b9c281 Make CBlock.get_merkle_root static
  • 1e0bdbc9b Implement CPartialMerkleTree and CMerkleBlock in
  • d8778f555 Implement CService in
  • 02480402b Implement deser_dyn_bitset and ser_dyn_bitset in
  • b0850fad0 Do not skip pushing of vMatch and vHashes in CMerkleBlock (#2826)
  • 58589fb50 Trivial: Fix a couple typos (#2818)
  • 992922c49 Specify DIP3 enforcement block height/hash for mainnet params
  • a370bbfe3 Update immer library to current master (0a718d2d76bab6ebdcf43de943bd6c7d2dbfe2f9) (#2821)
  • 9f04855ae Fix blsWorker (#2820)
  • 377dd3b82 There can be no two votes which differ by the outcome only (#2819)
  • a87909ec3 Keep the most recent gobject votes only (#2815)
  • 010752d4e Set fAllowMultiplePorts to true for testnet (#2817)
  • 74d999e56 Remove watchdogs from existence (#2816)
  • bfc288afb Update getblock rpc help text (#2814)
  • aeba4afce Fix vote ratecheck (#2813)
  • ad7defba9 Drop all kind of invalid votes from all types of gobjects (#2812)
  • e75760fa7 Update "listtransactions" and "listsinceblock" RPC help (#2811)
  • 8987a6c3e Update "debug" rpc help text (#2810)
  • 4b4234f39 Refactor: fix layer violation for LLMQ based IS in UI (#2808)
  • 614cb6c2e Fix getgovernanceinfo rpc help text (#2809)
  • 39ba45f3c Show chainlocked txes as fully confirmed (#2807)
  • f87035d14 Fix qt tests and actually run them (#2801)
  • 162acc5a0 Fix potential deadlock in LoadWallet() (#2806)
  • 81eeff1c5 Fix devnet genesis check in InitBlockIndex() (#2805)
  • 4d8ef3512 Reset local/static cache in LogAcceptCategory when categories change (#2804)
  • 4a79f7a70 Few trivial cleanups (#2803)
  • 5057ad511 Drop DBG macros uses from governance modules (#2802)
  • 29a9e24b4 Prepare Dash-related stuff before starting ThreadImport (#2800)
  • 8f280f346 Split "llmq" debug category into "llmq", "llmq-dkg" and "llmq-sigs" (#2799)
  • 15c720dd4 Stop tracking interested/participating nodes and send/announce to MNAUTH peers (#2798)
  • f20620b0a Also handle MNAUTH on non-masternodes (#2797)
  • b18f8cb77 Implement MNAUTH and allow unlimited inbound MN connections (#2790)
  • aae985746 Update log categories in help message and in decomposition of "dash" category (#2792)
  • 7b76e7abb Implement BIP9 style deployment for DIP8/ChainLocks and fix a bug with late headers (#2793)
  • 3ead8cd85 Fix potential travis failures due to network failures (#2795)
  • 02db06658 Fix loop in CLLMQUtils::GetQuorumConnections to add at least 2 connections (#2796)
  • 071b60ded Bump MAX_OUTBOUND_MASTERNODE_CONNECTIONS to 250 on masternodes (#2791)
  • 0ed5ae05a Fix bug in GetNextMasternodeForPayment (#2789)
  • 7135f01a1 Fix revoke reason check for ProUpRevTx (#2787)
  • 658ce9eff Apply Bloom filters to DIP2 transactions extra payload (#2786)
  • a1e4ac21f Disable logging of libevent debug messages (#2794)
  • 9a1362abd Introduce SENDDSQUEUE to indicate that a node is interested in DSQ messages (#2785)
  • 9e70209e4 Honor bloom filters when announcing LLMQ based IS locks (#2784)
  • 12274e578 Introduce "qsendrecsigs" to indicate that plain recovered sigs should be sent (#2783)
  • 60a91848a Skip mempool.dat when wallet is starting in "zap" mode (#2782)
  • b87821047 Make LLMQ/InstantSend/ChainLocks code less spammy (#2781)
  • 591b0185c Bump proto version and only send LLMQ related messages to v14 nodes (#2780)
  • c3602372c Implement retroactive IS locking of transactions first seen in blocks instead of mempool (#2770)
  • 9df6acdc2 Disable in-wallet miner for win/macos Travis/Gitian builds (#2778)
  • 5299d3933 Multiple refactorings/fixes for LLMQ bases InstantSend and ChainLocks (#2779)
  • a5d2edbe0 Relay spork after updating internal spork maps (#2777)
  • e52763d21 Refactor and fix instantsend tests/utils (#2776)
  • 25205fd46 RPC - Remove P2PKH message from protx help (#2773)
  • a69a5cf4a Use smaller (3 out of 5) quorums for regtest/Travis (#2774)
  • 396ebc2dc Fix tests after 2768 (#2772)
  • 6f90cf7a1 Merge bitcoin#9602: Remove coin age priority and free transactions - implementation (#2768)
  • 6350adf1b Slightly refactor ProcessInstantSendLock (#2767)
  • 3a1aeb000 Multiple fixes/refactorings for ChainLocks (#2765)
  • 152a78eab Add compatibility code to P2PFingerprintTest until we catch up with backports
  • 72af215a3 Fix CreateNewBlock_validity by not holding cs_main when calling createAndProcessEmptyBlock
  • 95192d5b5 Require no cs_main lock for ProcessNewBlock/ActivateBestChain
  • 2eb553174 Avoid cs_main in net_processing ActivateBestChain calls
  • f69c4370d Refactor ProcessGetData in anticipation of avoiding cs_main for ABC
  • 7f54372bb Create new mutex for orphans, no cs_main in PLV::BlockConnected
  • 6085de378 Add ability to assert a lock is not held in DEBUG_LOCKORDER
  • 9344dee8a Merge #11580: Do not send (potentially) invalid headers in response to getheaders
  • d1a602260 Merge #11113: [net] Ignore getheaders requests for very old side blocks
  • d1db98c67 Merge #9665: Use cached [compact] blocks to respond to getdata messages
  • 0905b911d Actually use cached most recent compact block
  • cd0f94fb5 Give wait_for_quorum_phase more time
  • 4ae52758b Remove size check in CDKGSessionManager::GetVerifiedContributions
  • e21da2d99 Move simple PoSe tests into
  • 6488135f4 Track index into self.nodes in mninfo
  • e763310b5 Add missing LOCK(cs_main)
  • 3a5e7c433 Do not hold cs_vNodes in CSigSharesManager::SendMessages() for too long (#2758)
  • fbf0dcb08 Various small cleanups (#2761)
  • 588eb30b8 Fix deadlock in CSigSharesManager::SendMessages (#2757)
  • 7b24f9b8b Drop --c++11 brew flag in (#2755)
  • ac00c6628 Make InstantSend locks persistent
  • 293c9ad6a Use unordered_lru_cache in CRecoveredSigsDb
  • 9e4aa1f98 Implement unordered_lru_cache
  • 609114a80 Code review: re-add string cast in
  • 85ffc1d64 drop swap_outputs_in_rawtx and DecimalEncoder in
  • bc593c84b Revert "Fix use of missing self.log in"
  • 0e91ebcf4 Use logging framework in Dash specific tests
  • dd1245c2a Update (#2751)
  • f351145e6 Use GetVoteForId instead of maintaining votes on inputs
  • d4cf78fe2 Add HasVotedOnId/GetVoteForId to CSigningManager
  • 43e1bf674 Add key prefix to "rs_" for CRecoveredSigsDb keys
  • 61e10f651 Use llmqDb for CRecoveredSigsDb
  • b2cd1db40 Don't use CEvoDB in CDKGSessionManager and instead use llmqDb
  • e2cad1bd6 Introduce global llmq::llmqDb instance of CDBWrapper
  • acb52f6ec Don't pass CEvoDB to CDKGSessionHandler and CDKGSession
  • 06fc65559 Actually remove from finalInstantSendLocks in CInstantSendManager::RemoveFinalISLock
  • 041a1c26d Move safe TX checks into TestForBlock and TestPackageTransactions
  • 4d3365ddb Completely disable InstantSend while filling mempool in
  • fae33e03a Let ProcessPendingReconstructedRecoveredSigs return void instead of bool
  • f8f867a6b Sync blocks after generating in mine_quorum()
  • 3e60d2d2d Adjust LLMQ based InstantSend tests for new spork20
  • 41a71fe44 update to test both "old" and "new" InstantSend (and fix CheckCanLock to respect mempool limits)
  • 843b6d7a9 update to test both "old" and "new" InstantSend
  • a8da11ac5 update to test both "old" and "new" InstantSend
  • 55152cb31 Move IS block filtering into ConnectBlock
  • 2299ee283 Rename IXLOCK to ISLOCK and InstantX to InstantSend
  • f5dcb00ac Introduce spork SPORK_20_INSTANTSEND_LLMQ_BASED to switch between new/old system
  • 280690792 Combine loops in CChainLocksHandler::NewPoWValidBlock
  • 9e9081110 Add override keywork to CDSNotificationInterface::NotifyChainLock
  • e2f99f4ae Set llmqForInstantSend for mainnet and testnet
  • 5b8344e8f Use scheduleFromNow instead of schedule+boost::chrono
  • f44f09ca0 Fix crash in BlockAssembler::addPackageTxs
  • baf8b81c4 Fix no-wallet build
  • 2a7a5c633 Only sign ChainLocks when all included TXs are "safe"
  • 96291e7a0 Cheaper/Faster bailout from TrySignChainTip when already signed before
  • 0a5e8eb86 Move ChainLock signing into TrySignChainTip and call it periodically
  • bd7edc8ae Track txids of new blocks and first-seen time of TXs in CChainLocksHandler
  • 7945192ff Enforce IX locks from the new system
  • dc97835ec Disable explicit lock requests when the new IX system is active
  • 68cfdc932 Also call ProcessTx from sendrawtransaction and RelayWalletTransaction
  • 1d2d370cd Whenever we check for locked TXs, also check for the new system having a lock
  • 3a6cc2cc1 Show "verified via LLMQ based InstantSend" in GUI TX status
  • 34a8b2997 Disable old IX code when the new system is active
  • 5ff4db0a0 Downgrade TXLOCKREQUEST to TX when new IX system is active
  • 1959f3e4a Handle incoming TXs by calling CInstantXManager::ProcessTx
  • 83dbcc483 Implement CInstantSendManager and related P2P messages
  • 5bbc12274 Implement PushReconstructedRecoveredSig in CSigningManager
  • 2bbac8ff7 Introduce NotifyChainLock signal and invoke it when CLSIGs get processed
  • e47af29d4 Fix "chainlock" in WalletTxToJSON (#2748)
  • e21d8d6b9 Fix error message for invalid voting addresses (#2747)
  • 80891ee6f Make -masternodeblsprivkey mandatory when -masternode is given (#2745)
  • 521d4ae08 Implement 2-stage commit for CEvoDB to avoid inconsistencies after crashes (#2744)
  • e63cdadc9 Add a button/context menu items to show QR codes for addresses (#2741)
  • b6177740c Add collateraladdress into masternode/protx list rpc output (#2740)
  • b5466e20a Add "chainlock" field to more rpcs (#2743)
  • 8dd934922 Don't be too harsh for invalid CLSIGs (#2742)
  • a34fb6d6f Fix banning when local node doesn't have the vvec (#2739)
  • 4a495c6b4 Only include selected TX types into CMerkleBlock (#2737)
  • 0db2d1596 code review and reset file perms
  • f971da831 Stop g_connman first before deleting it (#2734)
  • 9eb0ca704 Ignore sig share inv messages when we don't have the quorum vvec (#2733)
  • 080b59a57 Backport bitcoin#14385: qt: avoid system harfbuzz and bz2 (#2732)
  • 2041186f4 On timeout, print members proTxHashes from members which did not send a share (#2731)
  • ea90296b6 Actually start the timers for sig share and recSig verification (#2730)
  • 5c84cab0f Send/Receive multiple messages as part of one P2P message in CSigSharesManager (#2729)
  • d2573c43b Only return from wait_for_chainlock when the block is actually processed (#2728)
  • 6ac49da24 Send QSIGSESANN messages when sending first message for a session
  • 8ce8cb9ca Remove MarkXXX methods from CSigSharesNodeState
  • fa25728ca Use new sessionId based session management in CSigSharesManager
  • 34e3f8eb5 Implement session management based on session ids and announcements
  • 7372f6f10 Move RebuildSigShare from CBatchedSigShares to CSigSharesManager
  • 55a6182b1 Introduce QSIGSESANN/CSigSesAnn P2P message
  • 80375a0b4 Change CSigSharesInv and CBatchedSigShares to be sessionId based
  • 9b4285b1c Use salted hashing for keys for unordered maps/sets in LLMQ code
  • b5462f524 Implement std::unordered_map/set compatible hasher classes for salted hashes
  • c52e8402c Remove now obsolete TODO comment above CRecoveredSigsDb
  • e83e32b95 Add in-memory cache for CRecoveredSigsDb::HasRecoveredSigForHash
  • 677c0040c Add in-memory cache to CQuorumBlockProcessor::HasMinedCommitment
  • f305cf77b Multiple fixes and optimizations for LLMQs and ChainLocks (#2724)
  • c3eb0c788 reset file perms
  • c17356efc Merge #9970: Improve readability of,
  • ee6e5654e Merge #9505: Prevector Quick Destruct
  • c4a3cd6a1 Merge #8665: Assert all the things!
  • b09e3e080 Merge #9977: QA: should always use >0 fee tx
  • e8df27f8e Merge #9984: devtools: Make github-merge compute SHA512 from git, instead of worktree
  • c55e019bf Merge #9940: Fix verify-commits on OSX, update for new bad Tree-SHA512, point travis to different keyservers
  • f9a2e4c4f Merge #9514: release: Windows signing script
  • ee2048ae4 Merge #9830: Add safe flag to listunspent result
  • 914bd7877 Merge #9972: Fix extended rpc tests broken by #9768
  • dad8c67d3 Merge #9768: [qa] Add logging to
  • c75d7dc83 Merge #9962: [trivial] Fix typo in rpc/protocol.h
  • 49b743e39 Merge #9538: [util] Remove redundant call to get() on smart pointer (thread_specific_ptr)
  • e5c4a67a2 Merge #9916: Fix msvc compiler error C4146 (minus operator applied to unsigned type)
  • fcd3b4fd4 Disallow new proposals using legacy serialization (#2722)
  • 668b84b1e Fix stacktraces compilation issues (#2721)
  • 0fd1fb7d5 Don't build docker image when running Travis job on some another repo (#2718)
  • 48d92f116 Implement optional pretty printed stacktraces (#2420)
  • 0b552be20 Fix file permissions broken in 2682 (#2717)
  • 74bb23cac Add link to bugcrowd in issue template (#2716)
  • 252ee89c3 Implement new algo for quorum connections (#2710)
  • 104c6e776 Cleanup successful sessions before doing timeout check (#2712)
  • 26db020d1 Separate init/destroy and start/stop steps in LLMQ flow (#2709)
  • 9f5869032 Avoid using ordered maps in LLMQ signing code (#2708)
  • bb90eb4bf backports-0.15-pr6 code review
  • 7a192e2e4 Optimize sleeping behavior in CSigSharesManager::WorkThreadMain (#2707)
  • d7bd0954f Use pipe() together with fcntl instead of pipe2()
  • 742a25898 Implement caching in CRecoveredSigsDb
  • 500b9c89a Use CBLSLazySignature in CBatchedSigShares
  • 02b68885a Implement CBLSLazySignature for lazy serialization/deserialization
  • 6e8f50aa5 Faster default-initialization of BLS primitives by re-using the null-hash
  • c03480d20 Disable optimistic sending when pushing sig share related messages
  • acb87895f Implement WakeupSelect() to allow preliminary wakeup after message push
  • cf2932098 Allow to disable optimistic send in PushMessage()
  • bedfc262e Rework handling of CSigSharesManager worker thread (#2703)
  • 3e4286a58 Less cs_main locks in quorums (#2702)
  • 3bbc75fc4 Reintroduce spork15 so that it's relayed by 0.14 nodes (#2701)
  • b71a3f48d Remove not used and not implemented methods from net.h (#2700)
  • c0cb27465 Fix incorrect usage of begin() when genesis block is requested in "protx diff" (#2699)
  • b239bb24a Do not process blocks in CDeterministicMNManager before dip3 activation (#2698)
  • 86fc05049 Drop no longer used code and bump min protos (#2697)
  • fef8e5d45 A small overhaul of the way MN list/stats UI and data are tied together (#2696)
  • 90bb3ca2f Backport #14701: build: Add CLIENT_VERSION_BUILD to CFBundleGetInfoString (#2687)
  • 00f904ec7 Change the way invalid ProTxes are handled in addUnchecked and existsProviderTxConflict (#2691)
  • 5478183e7 Call existsProviderTxConflict after CheckSpecialTx (#2690)
  • 1be5a72a9 Merge #9853: Fix error codes from various RPCs
  • 1bfc069e3 Merge #9575: Remove unused, non-working RPC PostCommand signal
  • e53da66b2 Merge #9936: [trivial] Fix three typos introduced into walletdb.h in commit 7184e25
  • 2121ba776 Merge #9945: Improve logging in if there is a formatting mismatch
  • b1d64f3a1 Merge #9548: Remove min reasonable fee
  • 1c08f9a5f Merge #9369: Factor out CWallet::nTimeSmart computation into a method.
  • 9a3067115 fix compile error caused by #9605
  • 7e4257254 Allow to override llmqChainLocks with "-llmqchainlocks" on devnet (#2683)
  • bed57cfbf Stop checking MN protocol version before signalling DIP3 (#2684)
  • 8d249d4df Merge #9605: Use CScheduler for wallet flushing, remove ThreadFlushWalletDB
  • 9c8c12ed4 devtools: Fix a syntax error typo
  • 8a436ec36 Merge #9932: Fix verify-commits on travis and always check top commit's tree
  • 31267f4c8 Merge #9555: [test] Avoid reading a potentially uninitialized variable in tx_invalid-test (transaction_tests.cpp)
  • a31b2de7a Merge #9906: Disallow copy constructor CReserveKeys
  • 22cda1a92 Merge #9929: tests: Delete unused function _rpchost_to_args
  • 6addbe074 Merge #9880: Verify Tree-SHA512s in merge commits, enforce sigs are not SHA1
  • 29bbfc58f Merge #8574: [Wallet] refactor CWallet/CWalletDB/CDB
  • 67a86091a Implement and use secure BLS batch verification (#2681)
  • e2ae2ae63 Update misspelled Synchronizing in GetSyncStatus (#2680)
  • 721965990 Add missing help text for operatorPayoutAddress (#2679)
  • 68c0de4ba Do not send excessive messages in governance sync (#2124)
  • 09e71de80 Fix bench log for payee and special txes (#2678)
  • 03fa11550 Speed up CQuorumManager::ScanQuorums (#2677)
  • 071035b93 Apply code review suggestions #2647
  • 501227dee Merge #9333: Document CWalletTx::mapValue entries and remove erase of nonexistent "version" entry.
  • a61b747a2 Merge #9547: bench: Assert that division by zero is unreachable
  • b821dfa7d Merge #9739: Fix BIP68 activation test
  • 56890f98f Merge #9832: [qa] assert_start_raises_init_error
  • 31755267a Missing = characters (#2676)
  • 088525bde Multiple fixes for LLMQs and BLS batch verification (#2674)
  • ae70e8a34 Fix negative "keys left since backup" (#2671)
  • 2a330f17a Fix endless wait in RenameThreadPool (#2675)
  • 1400df2e5 Invoke CheckSpecialTx after all normal TX checks have passed (#2673)
  • 18950f923 Optimize DKG debug message processing for performance and lower bandwidth (#2672)
  • 4615da99f Merge #9576: [wallet] Remove redundant initialization
  • 8944b5a78 Merge #9905: [contrib] gh-merge: Move second sha512 check to the end
  • 8dfddf503 Merge #9910: Docs: correct and elaborate -rpcbind doc
  • 395b53716 Merge #9774: Enable host lookups for -proxy and -onion parameters
  • 2c3dde75c Merge #9828: Avoid -Wshadow warnings in wallet_tests
  • 3d3443b6a Merge #8808: Do not shadow variables (gcc set)
  • 053b97c94 Merge #9903: Docs: add details to -rpcclienttimeout doc
  • 5d1c97da1 Add getspecialtxes rpc (#2668)
  • ca6c8f547 Add missing default value for SPORK_19_CHAINLOCKS_ENABLED (#2670)
  • 6da341379 Use smaller LLMQs for ChainLocks on testnet and devnet (#2669)
  • 54f576ea7 Fix LLMQ related test failures on Travis (#2666)
  • 6fe479aa1 Don't leak skShare in logs (#2662)
  • 559bdfc6e ProcessSpecialTxsInBlock should respect fJustCheck (#2653)
  • 805aeaa16 Drop cs_main from UpdatedBlockTip in CDKGSessionManager/CDKGSessionHandler (#2655)
  • 2a4fbb6e4 Bump block stats when adding commitment tx into block (#2654)
  • 25cb14b61 Fix confusion between dip3 activation and enforcement (#2651)
  • 7caf9394e drop dash-docs folder and instead link to in README (#2650)
  • 70a9e905c Use helper function to produce help text for params of protx rpcs (#2649)
  • f123248f1 update copyright (#2648)
  • d398bf052 reverse order from jsonRequest, strSubCommand
  • ad4b3cda3 Instead of asserting signatures once, wait for them to change to the expected state
  • 3237668b1 Rename inInvalidate->inEnforceBestChainLock and make it atomic
  • 5033d5ef4 Don't check for conflicting ChainLocks when phashBlock is not set
  • 08d915dc2 Increase waiting time in LLMQ signing tests
  • 886299a40 Implement integration tests
  • 3413ff917 Add info about ChainLocks to block and transaction RPCs
  • 29532ba19 Implement and enforce ChainLocks
  • 2bf6eb1c7 Track parent->child relations for blocks
  • 04a51c9ef Use a block that is 8 blocks in the past for SelectQuorumForSigning
  • cf33efc9e Move SelectQuorumForSigning into CSigningManager and make it height based
  • 4026ea203 Implement VerifyRecoveredSig to allow verifcation of sigs found in P2P messages
  • 9f211ef12 Add listener interface to listen for recovered sigs
  • 189cee210 Don't pass poolSize to SelectQuorum and instead use consensus params
  • 13855674d Add missing new-line character in log output
  • d31edf66a Wait for script checks to finish before messing with txes in Dash-specific way (#2652)
  • 2c477b0d4 Fix no_wallet for rpcmasternode/rpcevo
  • fc00b7bae add import to rpcevo fixing backport 8775
  • 30b03863e Apply suggestions from code review #2646
  • c70aa6079 change #8775 to keep dash codebase improvement, but still backport #9908
  • afdb0a267 Merge #9908: Define 7200 second timestamp window constant
  • c094d4bbe fix #8775 backport
  • f9147466f remove other rpc references to pwalletMain
  • d7474fd56 remove all references to pwalletMain in rpc folder
  • 87af11781 Merge #8775: RPC refactoring: Access wallet using new GetWalletForJSONRPCRequest
  • 1fa7f7e74 stop test failures
  • 444f671ab Update src/miner.cpp
  • 514769940 fix 9868
  • 7ee31cbd6 Speed up integration tests with masternodes (#2642)
  • fda16f1fe Fix off-by-1 in phase calculations and the rest of issues (#2641)
  • b595f9e6a Fix LLMQ signing integration tests (#2640)
  • 597748689 Bring back ResetLocalSessionStatus call (#2639)
  • 682a3b993 Merge #9904: test: Fail if InitBlockIndex fails
  • 55a656c24 Merge #9359: Add test for CWalletTx::GetImmatureCredit() returning stale values.
  • 68f6b43d1 fix #9143 backport
  • bba55e262 Merge #9143: Refactor ZapWalletTxes to avoid layer violations
  • 02f4661b3 fix #9894 backport
  • 07b50aefa Merge #9894: remove 'label' filter for rpc command help
  • 8035769d4 remove removed argument from #9834
  • 904e56fb1 Merge #9834: qt: clean up initialize/shutdown signals
  • 2df84c6f1 fix merge error from #9821
  • 21e00e905 Merge #9821: util: Specific GetOSRandom for Linux/FreeBSD/OpenBSD
  • f9c585776 manual fixes on #9868
  • 3ddf3dc62 Merge #9868: Abstract out the command line options for block assembly
  • 397792355 Merge #9861: Trivial: Debug log ambiguity fix for peer addrs
  • 3d1a0b3ab Merge #9871: Add a tree sha512 hash to merge commits
  • 8264e15cd Merge #9822: Remove block file location upgrade code
  • f51d2e094 Merge #9732: [Trivial] Remove nonsense #undef foreach
  • 3e10ff63f Merge #9867: Replace remaining sprintf with snprintf
  • 0d38c16e7 Merge #9350: [Trivial] Adding label for amount inside of tx_valid/tx_invalid.json
  • d2ddc2a00 A couple of fixes/refactorings for CDKGSessionHandler (#2637)
  • b2b97f258 Fix some strings, docs and cmd-line/rpc help messages (#2632)
  • e7981e468 Remove fLLMQAllowDummyCommitments from consensus params (#2636)
  • 8cd7287ba Fix missing lupdate in depends (#2633)
  • b0ad1425e Review fixes (mostly if/else related but no change in logic)
  • c905f1fe1 Initialize g_connman before initializing the LLMQ system
  • b8d069bcd fix/cleanup qt rpcnestedtests
  • b970c20a9 Avoid using immature coinbase UTXOs for dummy TXins
  • 4d25148c0 Add tests
  • d020ffa00 Add wait_for_sporks_same and mine_quorum to DashTestFramework
  • 0cc1cf279 Add receivedFinalCommitment flag to CDKGDebugSessionStatus
  • 23d7ed80d Implement "quorum sign/hasrecsig/isconflicting" RPCs
  • 316b6bf0d Faster re-requesting of recovered sigs
  • c38f889e7 Implement processing, verifcation and propagation of signature shares
  • 43fd1b352 Implement CSigningManager to process and propagage recovered signatures
  • 56ee83a76 Add ReadDataStream to CDBWrapper to allow manual deserialization
  • b6346a2f6 Implement CBLSInsecureBatchVerifier for convenient batch verification
  • dd8f24588 Implement IsBanned to allow checking for banned nodes outside of net_processing.cpp
  • 49de41726 Implement CFixedVarIntsBitSet and CAutoBitSet
  • 76a58f5a4 Add src/bls/*.h and .cpp to CMakeLists.txt
  • b627528ce Use void as return type for WriteContributions
  • edac100f5 Fix "quorum" RPCs help and unify logic in the sub-commands RPC entry point
  • 217f3941d Skip starting of cache populator thread in case we don't have a valid vvec
  • 679a9895b Add comments about why it's ok to ignore some failures
  • 15c34ccbd Implement CQuorum and CQuorumManager
  • 8e4fe3660 [PrivateSend] Fallback to less participants if possible, fix too long timeouts on server side (#2616)
  • ee808d819 Add checkbox to show only masternodes the wallet has keys for (#2627)
  • fff50af3c Revert "Set CLIENT_VERSION_IS_RELEASE to true (#2591)"
  • fed4716c0 Remove support for "0" as an alternative to "" when the default is requested (#2622)
  • 8b7771a31 Add some consts
  • 0b1347c0d Pass self-created message to CDKGPendingMessages instead of processing them
  • 02c7932f4 Add owner and voting addresses to rpc output, unify it across different methods (#2618)
  • c948c0ff3 Fix help for optional parameters in "quorum dkgstatus"
  • 957652bf3 Fix help for "quorum dkgstatus" and remove support for "0" proTxHash
  • b7b436b7d Apply review suggestions to rpcquorums.cpp
  • 3fe991063 Drop unused overload of GetMasternodeQuorums
  • 5daeedabf Batched logger should not break log parsing
  • 2aed51c55 Give nodes more time per phase when doing PoSe tests
  • 5958f8b81 Remove dkgRndSleepTime from consensus params and make sleeping it non-random
  • 0dae46c2f Move RandBool() into random.h/cpp
  • e1901d24a Handle review suggestions
  • 352edbd33 Introduce SPORK_18_QUORUM_DEBUG_ENABLED to enable/disable LLMQ debug messages
  • 324406bfe Implement debugging messages and RPC for LLMQ DKGs
  • 098b09495 Pass scheduler to InitLLMQSystem
  • a1f4853d6 Use LLMQ DKGs for PoSe testing in DIP3 tests
  • 6836f8c38 Implement LLMQ DKG
  • 318b59813 Prepare inter-quorum masternode connections
  • 4bf736f33 Add cxxtimer header only libraries
  • c6be8cfcd Allow to skip malleability check when deserializing BLS primitives
  • 9d25bb1d8 Add batched logger
  • 0df3871d1 Remove dummy DKG
  • 55f205eba A couple of fixes for masternode list rpc (#2615)
  • fa18d3e10 More fixes for PrivateSend after 2612 (#2614)
  • bade33273 Fix 2612 (#2613)
  • 5c5932eb9 [PrivateSend] Allow more than 3 mixing participants (#2612)
  • 0acfbf640 Gracefully shutdown on evodb inconsistency instead of crashing (#2611)
  • 07dcddb4c Backports 0.15 pr2 (#2597)
  • 04d1671b9 armv7l build support (#2601)
  • 7d58d87f4 Remove a few sporks which are not used anymore (#2607)
  • d1910eaff Refactor remains of CMasternode/-Man into CMasternodeMeta/-Man (#2606)
  • cdc8ae943 Don't hold CDeterministicMNManager::cs while calling signals (#2608)
  • 968eb3fc5 Add real timestamp to log output when mock time is enabled (#2604)
  • 0648496e2 Fix flaky p2p-fullblocktest (#2605)
  • 96d4f7459 Try to fix flaky IX tests in DIP3 tests (#2602)
  • 896733223 Dashify (#2598)
  • c58f775cc De-dashify env vars and dashify help text in tests instead (#2603)
  • a49f4123e Backports 0.15 pr1 (#2590)
  • f95aae2b3 Remove all legacy/compatibility MN code (#2600)
  • 0e28f0aa9 Fix flaky autoix tests by disabling autoix while filling mempool (#2595)
  • 78c22ad0f Multiple fixes for "masternode list"
  • e54f6b274 Use ban score of 10 for invalid DSQ sigs
  • 536229d17 Apply suggestions from code review
  • 75024e117 Merge #10365: [tests] increase timeouts in sendheaders test
  • 1efd77358 Remove non-DIP3 code path in CMasternodePayments::IsScheduled
  • 4c749b7e9 Directly use deterministicMNManager in "masternode list"
  • 0fe97a045 Remove support for "masternode list rank"
  • adc2ec225 Remove unsupported types/fields from "masternode list"
  • 4b150e72f Directly use deterministicMNManager instead of mnodeman.CountXXX
  • 4c3bb7304 Remove call to mnodeman.PoSeBan
  • 0594cd719 Remove code that is incompatible now due to GetMasternodeRanks returning DMNs now
  • 37541ee00 Change GetMasternodeScores and GetMasternodeRank/s to use CDeterministicMNCPtr
  • 17c792cd3 Remove MN upgrade check in ComputeBlockVersion
  • 71a695100 Move logic from FindRandomNotInVec into GetRandomNotUsedMasternode
  • 2f66d6ada Replace uses of mnodeman in PS code when deterministicMNManager can be used directly
  • eedb15845 Remove use of mnodeman.GetMasternodeInfo from IX code
  • fb13b000b Remove support for legacy operator keys in CPrivateSendBroadcastTx
  • 5f5fcc49c Remove legacy signatures support in CPrivateSendQueue
  • da924519a Remove support for legacy signatures in CTxLockVote
  • 2b2e4f45d Remove a few uses of mnodeman from governance code
  • 14d8ce03c Don't use GetMasternodeInfo in CTxLockVote::IsValid
  • 1ff241881 Directly use deterministicMNManager in some places
  • 45f34e130 Implement HasValidMN, HasValidMNByCollateral and GetValidMNByCollateral
  • bc29fe160 Remove compatibility code from governance RPCs and directly use deterministicMNManager
  • b49ef5d71 Directly use deterministicMNManager when processing DSTX
  • ae229e283 Directly use deterministicMNManager in CGovernanceManager::GetCurrentVotes
  • 96e0385db Let "masternode winner/current" directly use deterministicMNManager
  • 82745dd07 Use DIP3 MNs in auto-IX tests (#2588)
  • ce5a51134 Speed up stopping of nodes in tests by splitting up stop and wait (#2587)
  • 0c9fb6968 Harden spork15 on testnet (#2586)
  • 361900e46 Bump version to 0.14 (#2589)


Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:

  • Alexander Block (codablock)
  • Amir Abrams (AmirAbrams)
  • Daniel Hoffmann (dhoffmann)
  • Duke Leto (leto)
  • fish-en
  • gladcow
  • -k (charlesrocket)
  • Nathan Marley (nmarley)
  • PastaPastaPasta
  • Peter Bushnell (Bushstar)
  • strophy
  • thephez
  • UdjinM6

As well as everyone that submitted issues and reviewed pull requests.

Older releases

Dash was previously known as Darkcoin.

Darkcoin tree 0.8.x was a fork of Litecoin tree 0.8, original name was XCoin which was first released on Jan/18/2014.

Darkcoin tree 0.9.x was the open source implementation of masternodes based on the 0.8.x tree and was first released on Mar/13/2014.

Darkcoin tree 0.10.x used to be the closed source implementation of Darksend which was released open source on Sep/25/2014.

Dash Core tree 0.11.x was a fork of Bitcoin Core tree 0.9, Darkcoin was rebranded to Dash.

Dash Core tree 0.12.0.x was a fork of Bitcoin Core tree 0.10.

Dash Core tree 0.12.1.x was a fork of Bitcoin Core tree 0.12.

These release are considered obsolete. Old release notes can be found here: